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!!!WARNING!!!! Homophobe and Abuse!!!

-Virgil POV-

After dancing with roman, we all had to start doing our jobs after that. Dolan was sitting on the stage talking to Remy or flirting, I couldn't tell. Logan told them 5 times to stop and work and they ignored him. "Hey Virgil~ do you want to help with with this scenes?" Roman said smiling. "Sure...?" I said a little unsure what the scenes was. "It's the prince meeting the princess!" Roman sang a little. I rolled my eyes and asked "Who has less lines?". Roman looked at the script then answered "The princess.... do you want to play her?" "Sure why not..?" I said walking by him to get a script of my own. Patton gave me and roman fake crowns to wear and it was nice for 2 seconds. Roman kissed my hand and called me "his princess~" or whatever.... I can't fall for someone like him again.... I just can't... Roman went to walk away because that's what his character has to do but instead he hits his head off of a prop for the castle and falls. I fell to the ground laughing and Kat was laughing too. Dee got a video of it and Patton was helping Roman back up. Roman was cussing under his breathe
And Logan got him some ice. "You ok Mr. clumsy?" I ask still laughing. "No!! I'm not!!!!" Roman said whining. I heard the doors open to the drama room. "LOGAN!!! what are you doing here?" A slim lady yelled. "Mother please I came to see Remy!" Logan said back to his mother. "You want to hang out with a fag!!!! I did not raise you to be out of line!" His mother yelled ever louder. Remy stepped in with this "But i guess you raised us BOTH out of line!" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT REMY!!" His mother screamed at Remy and that broke him. " I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY WITH YOU'RE PERFECT SON BUT WAIT HE ISN'T THAT PERFECT EITHER!!" Remy yelled in tears. Dee wrapped his arms around Remy as he cried. "What do you mean not perfect...?" His mother said staring at Logan. Logan took a deep breath and said  "Mom I don't like females... I like males...." Remy smile at Logan and hugged him. "NO he did this to you! HIS POISONED YOU WITH LIES!!!" His mother cried. She ran at Remy and tackled him to the ground.

-Deceit POV-

Remy got tackle by his own mother. She started hitting him and punching him. I ran to get her off and so did roman. We got her away as the policeman came running in to arrested her. I guess Patton called the police when she started screaming. I hugged Remy and said "Everything is going to be fine.... I love you..." Remy heard the last part and laughed. "After all this time you finale tell me that..... I love you too... soulmate..." Remy said looking at his wrist. I looked at mine as saw that his name was on it. It should up 3 weeks ago but I never showed anyone. I'm glad that his my soulmate..

(572 words)

Long time no see people!!! So if you reread this book it has some changes to it and I changed something up. But One ship down 2 to go and btw who should be Logan and Remy new parent!!! Emile or Thomas? You pick!!!!!!

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