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As Soyoung entered the school, someone behind her decided to grab her wrist, but with her quick reflexes, she easily avoided the grab only to spin around in grab their wrist which sent a shock jump in the mysterious person.

"Wow quick reflexes. I wonder how that would play out in bed." Kim Taehyung
"Kim Taehyung correct? Well," she started as she started to pull him down leaning close to his ear, "I wonder how you would get me there." She let go turning to continue walking.

As she left him speechless, Kim Taehyung found interest in the cunning new student that seemed to break the spell that was put on so many of the girls at the school. It only made him hungrier for her.

As Soyoung was walking into school though, few fangirls couldn't help but be furious about how Kim Taehyung approached her, especially Lisa.
"Hey new girl!"
Oh god! Annoying people ruining my day already?
"I suggest you stay away from my boyfriend." Lisa said with emphasis on the 'my'.
"Yea? What are you going to do if I don't?" Soyoung replied while raising an eyebrow. She loved testing people and she can already tell that she broke Lisa.
"I will make your life a living hell. Got that?" Lisa responded angrily stepping closer to Soyoung.
"Hm funny. I don't know how someone with a low IQ, like yours, can make anything happen, but I guess people can dream, right? Later." Sooyoung turned and walked away, leaving the speechless Lisa there, blood boiling and invisible smoke fuming from her ears.


Finally. School is over. This place is like a prison with useless information. I shouldn't even have to attend classes. It's nothing but repeat of stuff I already know.
Footsteps start approaching me and by the sound emitting from it, it's someone short. I turn around glaring a Soul, obviously trying to be sneaky and scare me. He jumps in surprise but tries to play it off as if nothing happened.

"So I assume everything went accordingly yesterday? Do we have him where we want him?" I questioned as Soul and I started walking off school grounds.
"Yes right where we want him." He responded quickly.
"Perfect. I have an add-on to our plan but I still need to plan out the details." That's a lie. I did have the plan but Soul wouldn't like it and I didn't need him protesting about it right now.


After I said bye to Reaper, I started to head over to Taehyung's house. I needed to make sure I knew the risks there. Even if it's like my second home, I need to be sure. I casually walk in like usual carefully examining the household. I hear someone walk down the stairs so I put on my innocent act ready to greet them. It's Taehyung, of course.

Next day
(Lmao sorry for the time skip)

I walk into school like usual, heading straight for my classroom. Since Mina is in my class, i usually talk to her to let time pass. We usually talk about school honestly. Both of us are not people of gossip or drama. As we were talking, we heard the bell ring and both of us bid goodbyes and headed straight for our seats. Souls walked in and I tried not to turn my attention to him because we can agree, Jimin likes the attention.

"Did you scan the house?" I asked.
"Yup. I have the blueprints back at the company." He responded in a whisper, also looking ahead.
"Perfect. I also talked with the teacher. I can get closer than expected." I smirk while leaning back. I face Soul with confusion plastered on his faces. Eyebrows knit, trying to figure the world's deadliest person.
"Taehyung." A voice called turning both Soul's and I attention towards. "See me after class please." Perfect.

Once class ended, I stayed back a little knowing that this was all my idea. I started packing up slowly as the teacher was talking to Taehyung. As I finished I got up to leave but was stopped. I mentally smirked as I turned around to my name being called. "Yes?" I asked looking at the teacher with wide innocent eyes.
"Can you help Taehyung with his studies? Like tutoring?" The teacher asked. I glanced at Taehyung who I can tell didn't want to be tutored and he didn't have to be but... oh well.

"Of course. I'll help him." I stated as I turned to Taehyung. "Saturday afternoon?" I inquired looking up. I didn't even let him answer before I nodded and turned my heels towards the door. "Text Jimin if you need anything else."

I was on my way to the company until I heard footsteps. I couldn't turn around and give my position away or let them know I know they're behind me. I took a quick sharp turn into an alley. I glanced around quickly. I saw a ladder leading to someone's apartment. It was also a dead end and I can hear them getting closer. I guickly and quietly ran towards the dead end wall and jumped on it only to use it as a backboard to get the the ladder. The ladder was pretty high up that there was a slight chance in me not making it. I looked down seeing whoever was following was very confused. He pressed a finger to his ear, speaking into it, "we lost her boss...... yes right away,boss." He quickly ran out from the alley taking a right turn. I just decided to get to the company by the roofs of houses. I get to see the landscape anyway, but if it's who I think it is, my plan needs to work faster.


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