Part: 5

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Luke and I went down stairs and met my parents really quick

"Hey we are going out for a while" I said "I'll text when I'll be home ok?"

The nodded and looked back at the tv

"So where are we going" I asked as I got into his car

"Anywhere!" He said throwing his hands up

"Let's get milkshakes!" I said

"Why milkshakes?" He asked

"Why not milkshakes?"

"Fair point" he started the car "to the best milkshake place ever!"

We talked about anything and everything when we came to a 50s looking diner

Yes! I loved the 50s.

We walked in and the waitress brought us to our table "here ya go"

Luke nodded and sat down across the booth

A girl came up to Luke. She looked about 16 and had bleach blonde hair and brown eyes.

She basically had underwear and a bra on. Ew. I hate these kinds is girls. Also her makeup was caked on

"Hey. I couldn't help but notice how handsome you looked" she said in a high pitched voice

"Uh thank you but I don't really like being hit on when I'm out with a girl already because 1) I'm not a dick and 2) I think your boyfriend would be a little pissed at me" Luke said calmly not looking at her

Well shit. Go Luke!

"Ugh why stick with her when you can have me?" She asked trying to be seductive

I cleared my throat "you heard him. He doesn't want you now go away and fuck your boy toy over there"

She looked shocked but left

"Thank god" Luke said

We laughed and then our waitress came to take our order

"A strawberry milkshake and a cookie dough milkshake please" Luke said sweetly

"I'll be back with those in a minute" she said in a full tone

"Wow someone's a bit grumpy" I laughed

As she said before within 5 minutes our milkshakes were here. And can I say they were huge

I took a sip. It was pretty good.


After our milkshakes, Luke took me to a park where we walked around and talked

"So you've never been to Disney world?!" Luke gasped

"Nope" I laughed

"That's a childhood nightmare!"

"I would rather've stayed home and read than go to amusement parks" I said

He muttered something under his breath and pushed me back into the tree I was leaningon

"Well when we get married that's where we are going" Luke whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine.

He smirked at my reaction as he put his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest

I looked into his eyes. Oh his eyes. Those beautiful baby blue eyes I could look at everyday and never get tired of them

He leaned in and kissed my nose then my cheek, jawline, forehead. When he finally met my lips my breathing was heavy

The kiss was slow and peaceful. Not lustful and rushed.

He bit my bottom lip, causing me to moan slightly. He smirked and our tongues danced together in sync.

Who knows how long that kiss lasted. But it lasted until we couldn't breathe

He rested our foreheads on each other and looked at me with his beautiful eyes

"You're so beautiful," he whispered

I blushed and closed my eyes.

"No open your eyes. I love them" he says

I open my eyes and suddenly his lips are on mine again. This time it wasn't as slow and peaceful.

No this one was deep and not rushed yet not peaceful.

He started kissing down my jaw to my neck and collarbones, lightly sucking on my skin

I moaned when he hit my sweet spot and I could feel his smirk against my skin

He pulled back up and pecked my lips. "Come on. Let's get back" he said grabbing my hand

We walked back to his car hand in hand. A peaceful silence between us

He pulled up to my house 10 minutes later and as I got out, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back in

He kissed me and wrapped his hands around my waist as mine when up around his neck.

I bit his lip and he let me in. Our kiss was just like the last one

And I loved every second of it.

I pulled away, reluctantly "I'll text you later"

He nodded and pecked my lips once more before I got out

I ran inside and up to my room with a huge smile on my face.

I showered and took off all my excess makeup, put on my pjs and brushed my teeth with that same smile on my face.

I lay in bed thinking about that kiss when my phone buzzed

From: Luke

Goodnight beautiful xx

And I fell asleep


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