Chapter 22

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Harry's POV


After completing the last few business things we had to, the lads and I are finally free to go our separate ways. Louis has been raving with happiness since he talked to Cassie and it's honestly more annoying that when he was moping around. I'm glad that we get to have a break from each other, it's much needed after touring this long.

We're currently at the airport in Miami, Florida, heavily guarded by our security as we make our way through airport security. We're going back to the UK. I was going to stay home for a week or so be for heading to surprise Cassie but my plans have moved up. I'm only going to be home for a couple days and then I'll be on my way to LA.

Cassie failed to mention that she got promoted and that she was moving. She didn't tell any of us, except for Louis. She swore it wasn't on purpose but that didn't stop me from being a little jealous. I just figured that she'd at least tell me first; I am the one who's cared the most, after all. I was able to find out her new address with a little help from Paul. He had a field day making fun of me after I asked him for help. He called me "Stalker Styles" for a solid six hours. It was great.

"Alright boys, its time to board," Paul announces to us. With loads of guidance, we are escorted to the plane. Thirty-five minutes after boarding, we begin our nine and a half hour trip to the UK.

It's currently seven in the morning in America. The time difference between England and the US is seven hours. Seven plus nine and a half is sixteen and a half, which would make it 4:30 pm, in Florida, when we land. Four and a half plus seven is eleven and a half, which would then make it 11:30 pm, in England. We'll be landing around 11:30 pm. The car ride from the airport to my house shouldn't take longer than an hour. I should be home around 12:30 am, which would be 5:30 pm back in the states. Since jet lag isn't my friend, I wont be able to sleep until at least six am UK time. This should be fun.


I was right about not being able to sleep. My mind and body were, and still are, in two different places. I wasn't physically tired until the time I usually wake up. I knew, mentally, that I was in a different space of time but that didn't matter to the rest of me.

I was woken up this morning to the sound of my mum in my kitchen. She came in around eight in the morning, clanging pots and pans and opening a countless number of drawers. I got two hours of sleep before she came in and disrupted my slumber. Needless to say that I wasn't very pleased when I saw her.

It's now noon and I'm still highly irritable. I know my mum means best but she always fails to remember that I need to adjust into a time zone before being around people. She's sitting with me on the couch, a thin duvet covering our legs as we stare at the TV.

"Harry, you've gotta eat something so you can stay awake," she says after what seems like the tenth time since she made breakfast. I don't want to tall about food right now, i want to sleep. "If you're gonna get used to this again you've got to try," she nags me a little more. I don't need to get used to it, though. I've got a flight to LA in two days.

I sigh. "Actually, Mum, I've got to tell you something." I pause, waiting for her full attention. She widens her eyes at me and I continue. "I'm not staying very long. In fact, I've got a flight to catch on Thursday."

She scrunches her eyebrows together the way she dies when she's upset. I know that I should stay with her longer but I have to see Cassie. "You're leaving me again for some girl that you can't even tell me about? Where are your priorities these days? You've always got some new girl every time we speak. You act like you're at a buffet, getting something new once you finished. I hate to say it, but I thought I raised you better than that."

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