A Normal Day (sorta)

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 I woke up at 5 AM  looking around like I would normally do every morning. Its been about three days since I told coal about my mindgraine. Since then Coal hasn't talked to me very much and because of that I started to miss ower conversations. Well at least today I don't have a morning head ache. (Which seems to happen every morning now.) Since its finally a normal day sorta. 'hasn't been normal since I found out I was part poke'mon which is really odd.'  I got dressed and brushed  my hair and went down stairs. I passed coal on the way down. I waved at him but he just walked past me like I was a ghost. Now  I was annoyed. And so I walked down stairs and ate my break feast and again I bump in to coal and he just walks past me acting like he bumped into air. ' Whats eating him and why isn't he talking to me?'

After I ate breakfast I went to coal's room and knocked on the door. No response. Of course he won't answer.' Next time I see that boy I'M going to RIP out HIS vocal cords so he can no longer talk.PERMANENTLY.' Oh and I was serious about that statement. I bumped into him in the hall and this time, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed on the wall. I started to transformed as I did this I loosend my grip. ' Well this is new.'  ( Basically she glows blue  and basically looks like the book cover other than the hair.) He had the face of fear. I was happy with that buuuuuut, back to the point of me doing this.

" Why won't you talk to me!?" I snarl at him. and all he does is cough. Well probable because I was still holding him by the neck so, I released him and, sank down to the floor. And nothing he, say nothing.

" W-Well I-I-I don't know it jus-" I cut him off there. What amazed me was that he didn't have an excuse. I was also so close to doing what I thought earlier and now, I want to do it even more. And so trying to force my self from trying to stangle him I sat by him. I probble stared at him for about three minutes till he broke the long silence.

" I'm realy sorry that I didn't talk to you I just was shock after you told it was just well, harder to even speak to you.." He mumbles. At least he wasn't like N. That idiot seriously messed  with my heart after I told him.

------------------------------------------------------FLASH BACK--------------------------------------------------------------------------

 I walked up to N and said.

 " N?"

" Yes babe.' ( Oh god I don't ever see N saying babe but oh well.) He answers.

" I'm dying of a mindgraine that effects both sides of my brain that can't be fixed in any way." I burst out hoping he won't hate me but just like that he gives me a disgusted look.

" You mean to tell me that I am dating a dying girl who is useless!" He growls. I was  broken when he said useless. Was I useless well he is king so I guess I am. I open my mouth like I was going to say something but I quickly shut it.

" We are done! And  why are you still here? Scat you piece of crap." He yells ( Cruel but hey  every one has a dark side.) I feel tears running down my cheek as I run out Of the castle. After that I didn't talk to any boys unless it was my lil'bro.

----------------------------------------------FLASH BACK OVER------------------------------------------------------------------------

 I felt  tears running down my cheek. Coal looked at me and asked,

" You okay?"

" Yeah, i'm  fine" I replied. Then I  rested my head on his shoulder and let my dream world take over. ( Well in other words sleep.)

Coals POV

After Corrie fell asleep on my shoulder I brought her in my room and layed her on my bed. I looked at her for a minute still wondering  why she was crying. I knew if I didn't  find out soon it would kill me. Other than that there wasn't much to do except twiddle my thumbs or sleep. I decided to sleep or at least rest and calm down cause, after  that I was scared and a little stested out. ' I'v never seen her so mad though before usully she so nice, pretty, and sweet. Its just so weird seeing her mad. Well she transfored in to some one of a lugia which, is pretty cool if you ask me.' I layed beside  Corrie all day till I fell asleep as well.


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