Celestia scrolled tiredly through the message. She loosed a wide yawn through her mouth, blinking slowly and out of sync.
"Whatcha reading there, Tia?" a voice asked into her ear.
Celestia screamed, jumping backwards and nearly dropping the scroll in a nearby pool of water. Discord, perched on the back of her throne, laughed loudly, pointing at her enraged expression.
"Yes, I do usually make mares act like that," he said. It sounded different in his head, but whatever.
"Oh, do you now?" Celestia asked with a smile, cocking her head sideways at him.
"What are you implying?"
"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." The Princess wanted to play him for as long as possible.
"Come now, princess. Don't make me beg you. I hate begging." Discord sat in front of her, giving her the most adorable puppy eyes. But she did not break.
"I'm not sure I should tell you, Discord," Celestia said, her wide grin growing larger.
"Pretty please?"
"Are you sure?"
Celestia giggled under her breath. He had fallen right into her trap.
"I'm willing to make a bet with you. You win, you can bother me all you want and I will not stop you. On the other hoof, if you lose, you can never disturb me or my sister again, or any other princess in Equestria."
Discord smiled, stroking his beard in a thoughtful manner. "Well, Tia. I did not take you for the bargaining type. I accept your challenge. Now what is it?"
Celestia leaned towards him, narrowing her eyes and smirking. "Big mistake," she muttered. "You have to find a mare for next year's Hearts and Hooves day."
Discord started back a little, but tried not to appear flustered by her proposal. "Rules now, Tia."
She waved a hoof at him. "This mare has to be willing to love you. That is all. You cannot use magic to charm her or change her mindset in any way."
Discord began furiously thinking again. "That's all?"
Celestia nodded.
"But can I change my physical appearance?"
The white alicorn laughed. "I would recommend it, Discord."
The Draconaquus turned away from her, huffing in an offended manner. "Oh, very funny."
And with that, he whisked himself away.
Celestia chuckled. "Good luck, Discord."
Author's note
Sorry this prologue was a little short. I'm not even sure I'll leave it in the finished product. But I decided to put a little backstory in here, and I'm not very good at getting to the point slowly in conversation. Soz.
A Radiant Discolight (V.2)
RomanceDiscord makes a bet with Celestia. He bets that he can get a mare to love him before next year's Hearts and Hooves day. When he chooses Twilight (Just to spite Celestia, of course) he soon finds himself wishing he could keep up the charade a little...