Chapter 4: Very Subtle Indeed

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Celestia opened her wings menacingly, snarling. Discord would have laughed at her expression, if he wasn't so surprised and terrified. 

"T-tia, my dear...please," he stuttered, a nervous smile on his face. "I...ahem..had my reasons."

The Princess stomped towards him, her golden shoes making near cracks in the stone floor. Her irises narrowed to dots as she honed in on him. He shrank as low as he could. For once in his eternal life, he was a little scared.

"What, pray tell, are those reasons?"

"Ehm..." Discord seriously doubted she would take this well. "Spite?"

Celestia's ears pricked. "What was that?"

"I'll admit, I did choose Twilight specifically out of spite for you. I'll admit that, but nothing more."

He looked back up again when he heard a sharp, heavy thump. Celestia had one gold-clad hoof planted quite firmly on her face, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "You made one bet," she murmured to herself. "That's it."

"Hey, you issued a challenge, and I believe I made it as challenging as it could possibly be! That's all!"

Celestia glared at him. "Forgive me, Discord. I just...You have a tendency to play tricks on ponies, and the Element-bearers have always been your main focus ever since your escape. It just seems sort of...cruel."

Discord, for some reason, found himself oddly offended. "Why, Twilight couldn't be in more loving hooves, my dear!" He started, looking down at the appendages attached to his shoulders in bewilderment. "Well, hands, I suppose."

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