Azrael, the one whose been RULING THE WILD WAVES

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The surrounding looks so soothing and the sky is much alluring. The breeze of air touches my skin, and WHISPERS OF THE WIND fill my ears while the sun is rising slowly, spreading enough warms across the world. It is an enchanting morning indeed.

I used to start my day walking near the shore, appreciating the blue sky, the crystal clear sea water, the wild waves, and the fine white sand.

  'WHAT LIES BENEATH THE SAND?' the question pooped in my head. Out of curiosity, I start digging the sand that I used to set under the big cave, using only my bear hand. I dig the sand 'till I found that one special thing...

WAVES OF MEMORIES flashes into my mind as I stare at the glass hour, also called as the SANDS OF TIME. This was the token I give to him years ago as the sign of my timeless and endless love for him.

     It all started from the day I left my hometown, the Alegria. And BLOWN BY THE WIND to the ISLAND OF FIRE, the Costa Leona, where I meet him, my one and only SCORCHING LOVE. His name is Azrael, but his family and close friends preferred to called him 'Azi'.  He's no INVISIBLE MAN but the opposite of it. He was known by everyone, specially the girls. Well, who wouldn't? Those perfectly shaped thick brows paired with his dark smoky eyes, every time he would look at me, I've got hypnotized, tongue-tied, and of course multiple goosebumps. Damn! He looks like an innocent devil.

I spend three days, watching him all day long and admiring him from afar. Haayy! MAPAPANSIN KAYA niya ako? Walang kasiguraduhang sagot pero sumugal parin ako dahil BAKA SAKALI... Baka Sakali... Baka Sakaling oo.

I don't need the 24 SIGNS OF SUMMER to know if he's the right one for me. Just the way my heart beats for him, I could already tell how WHIPPED I am.

I CHASE his HEART through the Art of Seduction in TRAINING TO LOVE, but who am I kidding? That guy is Azi! The Ultimate Playboy, the King of Jerks, the Master of Seductions, and he knows how to play any naughty games very well. Mind you, He's an expert! But one thing that has been confusing me ever since I met him, he never try to play with me or even treat me casually.

     "WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" I couldn't help but ask him that once. But guess what? He just clenched his jaw like as if I flustered him big time. His  eyes tells something, but before he could say it, he turned his back on me and then walked away...

     "When will you stop chasing him? He may be look like a Prince Charming but hell no! He's a Beast in disguise--" said by my bestfriend which I cut it off before she could finish it.

"There's just NO PERFECT PRINCE, bestie. And if he's a Beast then I'll be his Belle. Because I believe, EVERY BEAST NEEDS A BEAUTY" I said confidently but deep inside I'm also starting to have doubts. Should I push this... this crazy little thing called... Love?

Days passed and it seems hard on me. Just when I'm walking at the shore, leaving footprints behind, watching the setting sun, and thinking of giving up...he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked me a date. Like...Oh my god! Is he serious?!

Too many words come to my mind, and that makes my brain hanged. With wide eyes, jaw dropped, and mouth open in O words come out. I'm completely shocked and speechless. Everything in me froze except my heart. My heart that beats in its highest rate. It pound so fast, wild, and loud.

Despite of being shocked and frozen, he take that as a yes. "Silence means yes" according to him.

"If I would GIVE INTO YOU tonight, and then I'd be gone tomorrow... Would you still love me for the next coming days?" He suddenly asked in between of our meaningful silence.

His words confused me but I didn't mind it. Instead, I answered him sincerely "You already pushed me countless time. But you see? I'm still here, loving you continuously. One thing for sure Azi, I WON'T GIVE UP ON US easily" I say that with a sweet smile on my lips.

He smirk then said "Let me mark your words then, baby" before I could process what he said, I already feel his lips on mine.

May 03 ****, was our first and last date, the night when my first kiss was stolen by him, and the night I give my all in exchange of his words 'I'll be yours'. Not knowing that it would end up into ONE NIGHT, ONE LIE.

That was the longest but happiest and most unforgettable night I ever have. The brightest night in my life...UNTIL HE WAS GONE.

Yes, I was fooled. Because the next day after that night, I found out that he left Costa Leona... He leave without saying goodbye, he left like nothing happened the night before.

It hurt me but I endure it, I stay calm even when I'm shattering inside. I waited until 3 months...yes, it takes me 3 months before I finally accept that he was gone, he left me, and he's not coming back... Is that all? Is that who he really is? That's how jerk he is, huh!? Fuck him! Fuck him! Urrggh! Fucking fuck him!!! Funny how I give my all... my everything, only to end-up with nothing. How WORTHLESS right? Such stupidity!

Maybe I deserved this. This is what I get from being stupid, desperate, easy to get! Urrggh!! I know, this is clearly my fault, I'm the only one to be blame here, but I wanna put all my anger and curses to him. Damn him! How dare he!?! Ugh!

'What am I supposed to do now?' I was left with that question lingering into my empty mind... And maybe, that was the end of my DOWNFALL CHRONICLES.

     Three years has passed and I must say, everything has changed. People concluded that I become HEARTLESS. I don't know, maybe they are right...I can't feel my heartbeat, I can only feel coldness & emptiness inside me. It's either my heart was too shattered and broken for me to even feel it, heart got RIPPED out from me the day he leave.

Gladly, I was able to start a new life. And after three years, I can say, I moved on and the only thing I need now is closure... But I was wrong, that's what I think and that's what I believe...UNTIL HE RETURNED.

Like a brightest star suddenly appeared to my darkened nights, a rainbow bringing colors to my gloomy world all of a sudden, a sun after the three years of darkness...finally, He's back. He came back. He finally came back!!!

My heart was like a time-bomb that stopped ticking for three years, only to tick again with its final and loudest explosion. An explosion of realization that hit me hard...I still love him. Damn! It frustrates me how he can broke my heart, but still loving him with every little broken piece of it. I hate him! I hate him for leaving...but I love him for coming back.

Loving him is like going to a war. The day I let myself to love him is the day I entered a battlefield...I TRIPPED, I fall hard and bad, I bleed, I got lost, and I didn't come back the same person...but at least, I come back with the victory in my hand---a wedding ring on my ring finger. The only way to END THIS WAR is to own his heart. And to own his heart is TO STAY in love with him no matter what.

My love for him started with 'love at first sight' but definitely will last UNTIL FOREVER!

AZI'S  GIRL, the one who had

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