23th Of August 2014

123 9 3

Lizzy's POV.

I tap my foot impatiently waiting for the boys. I hear girls scream in the distance. Alright this might be them. I sent they a photo of me last night so they knew what I look like. Daniel sees me sitting down on the chair.

"Hey Lizzy. Follow me quickly" he say and grabs my hand and pulls me through the crowd.

"Hey Daniel" I say

We go back to his hotel he's staying in. We all sit down and talk a little. I get tears in my eyes from telling him about my past. He stands up and hugs me. The boys all crowd around me.

"Claustrophobic" I say and the 4 boys move back. I go around and hug them both.

"Liz Can You Promise Me Something?" Daniel Asks

"Sure" I Say

"Can You Try And Stop Cutting And Hating Yourself?"


"Promise?" He says

"I Promise"

Dear Daniel SahyounieWhere stories live. Discover now