fanfiction:The Olympic Crushes

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dedicated to allthe daleys angels:) and to tom's bronze , chris mears final position and to jack laughers unfortunate slip up x

Determinination is something i had always had. I had been told enough , and i suppose thats what has gotten me here. Here was me sat on a strangers horse waiting to go into Greenwich Arena , the Olympic Arena. I had already done fencing and swimming a few hours ago and now , around lunchtime i was about to try and give myself a further lead. I was GB's 'New Hope' , and i was sat in silver position. 3 events left and i was aiming for that Gold , and so was the crowd.


I barely heard the announcer , my heart was pounding behind my ribcage. The crowd roared and the i felt the large horse benith me tightenup and ask he trotted into the arena , he swooped sideways , and i sat back and steadied myself. The crowd silenced and the horse relaxed. I urged him forwards and aimed for the first fence. Thats when the announcer began talking about who was in the crowd 'SO BY THE LAST FENCE WE HAVE THE TEAM GB STAND AND IT SEEMS THE DIVING TEAM HAVE COME TO WATCH' .My heart sunk , great not only did i have the whole nation watching , i also had the rest of the team gb here. I lent forwards as the horse jumped the tower bridge the poles ratteled .I closed my eyes and waited for the pole to fall , but it didnt. Infact each fence remained upright .One after the other i   held the horse , dodged the poles and steadied the horse. 

Theres one fence left and i can see the array of union jacks motionless, hundreds of faces emotionless and a set of blue poles standing between me and that advantage. I kicked the horse on and collected him. He pounded towards the fence , the crowds gasped. He swung his legs over the fence and the poles stayed perfectly still. A huge smile beamed across my face, and everyother face in the building. The horse panicked beneath me and reared straight up . I laughed in excitement, but the horse didnt  stop , it began to bronk and the crowd gasped. I flew throught  the sky like a brick. Slamming onto the ground with an almighty thud , the horse spooked again and slipped. Bang , a 700kg lump of horse crushing me.

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