Am I Seriously Still Carrying On?

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Yes I am title me.
SociallyAwkward_Girl so you can find the book, I'm tagging you!

WD Steven: oShIEtE yO OsHIeTE Yo

OG Steven: SoNo ShIkUMi Wo

BD Steven: bOKo nO NaKA Ni

WD Steven: DArE

OG Steven: gA

BD Steven: IrU nU!

YD Steven: Why the fuck are you screaming Unravel?

BD Steven: WD Steven.

OG Steven: WD Steven.

WD Steven: Me.

OG Steven: WD Latest obsession is Tokyo Ghoul and dragged us along

BD Steven: I've never cried more

WD Steven: I've read the manga.

YD Steven: We know. You forced us to read it with you

OG Steven: Ummmm??? N o t m e

BD Steven: It was a bit too... Violent and there were swearing.

OG Steven: Violent and Swearing basically define YD Steven-

YD Steven: hEy

YD Steven: True.

YD Steven: But hEy!

WD Steven: And I'm 100% ready to Murder Kaneki's mom. Who's joining me?

BD Steven: M e

YD Steven: Me... Let's go kill that motherfuck-

OG Steven: What happened

WD Steven:...

BD Steven: You shouldn't have asked

YD Steven: Well fuck-


YD Steven: And they call me violent...

OG Steven: We all know you would do this in a heartbeat

YD Steven: Understandable. Have a good day.

I've Got A Book Idea Thanks To @XxDiamond_GodxXWhere stories live. Discover now