"They say, that a hero can't be saved by a villain, that a villain should never help a hero... and that a hero is the most trustworthy person there is, what if I said those were all lies?"
-Yuri Todoroki
I was laying down on the bed in Recovery Girl's office trying to get some of my energy back. I finally feel all of the pain that was there before Recovery Girl healed me for a split second, sending the pain all throughout my body, causing me to softly scream as a reaction. I tried to calm myself down, hoping it wouldn't happen again.
(Small Timeskip)
I finally have enough energy to go back to class. I stand from the bed and walk out thanking Recovery Girl in the process.
Izuku POV
How much longer is Yuri going to be? I'm getting worried and so is Todoroki-Kun. I hear the door slowly slide open, revealing a healed Yuri. I smile brightly as she walks to her seat next to her brother, slightly waving as she walked past.
Shoto POV
Yuri's finally back, I couldn't be happier. Even though my face doesn't show it much, I know Yuri knows I'm glad she's healthy.
(Timeskip to hero training)
Yuri POV
I was changing into my hero suit, when I felt another pain, but a lot smaller, only causing me to wince. What is going on? I chose to ignore it and continue putting on my hero suit. The pains kept coming, Uraraka noticing, each time getting smaller and smaller until a big one hit me. "OW!" I couple of the girls who were done or almost done changing ran over to my assistance. "I-I'm fine now..." I reassured them as I tried to forget about the pain. I quickly finished changing and ran out of the changing room to where All Might was waiting, a few of the boys already there.
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(I know it's very colorful)
I looked back just as Izu-kun and Sho-San we're coming out, I already knew what Sho-san's was going to look like but Izu-kun looked adora- cu- good in his. I ran over to them jumping around like a little kid. "You guys look so cool!"
"Yuri, is that the cape we would always use when we were kids? Whenever we would play heroes?"
"...yeah... it's also the one from that day."
Uraraka came out and immediately went to Izu-Kun. I watched as he started blushing so much his whole face was pink. I couldn't help the hint of jealousy that came to me, it should be me making him blush so much! Not Uraraka! I tried to control my anger as a small pain hit me again, caused me to wince once again. "Yuri, are you okay?" Asked Sho-San as he tried to figure out what was wrong. "I'm fine Sho-San... really. It's just small pains every now and then..." "Okay, tell me if it gets worse though, I don't want you to go through something like this alone..." he said as he hugged me. "...Sho-San, your love is showing."
"I don't care, it's the love I have for my sister."
I blushed slightly from his bluntness but it went away quickly as I returned the hug.
After a little while, All Might started talking. "Alright young heroes! Welcome to your first hero training! Today we will be starting with partner battles, since there is an uneven amount, one of you will not participate." I waited impatiently as All Might randomly selected the groups, some I realized someone I knew was, Izu-Kun/Uraraka and Sho-San/Shoji. I kept listening but didn't hear my name at all. I felt my heart sink knowing I won't be able to participate in my first hero training. I felt a single tear roll down my face but quickly wiped it away with my wrist.
I felt someone hug me from behind but chose to ignore who it was. "I'm sorry Yuri..."
"It's okay Sho-San, it's not your fault. It was all random anyway." I said turning around to properly hug Sho-San. "Hey, do good for both of us, okay?" I said smiling, stains from the previous tears still present. "I will." He responded smiling back. It was almost like we were having a smiling contest cause I would keep smiling brighter and brighter and so would Sho-San until I eventually stopped. "The first round is about to be announced, you should pay attention..." "Okay." Sho-San finally let go of me, missing the warmth, I activate my quirk in those areas to maintain the warmth of the hug a little longer.
"Round One... Midoriya and Uraraka vs Bakugo and Iida!"
The said groups made their way towards the building, Izu-kun's team the hero team.
We all watch as the match starts.
(Timeskip) (it's the same thing that happens cannon)
As Izu-kun is in Recovery Girl's office helping after his terrifying to watch fight against Bakugo, or as he calls him, Kacchan, Sho-San's fight starts. Sho-San freezes the entire building so the battle ends pretty quick... and it wasn't quite as exciting as Izu-kun's fight.. but it was a lot easier on me cause during Izu-kun's fight, I was struggling just to keep my eyes on the fight, trying not to look away and miss the win.
(Another time skip)
It's the end of the school day and I decide to go to Recovery Girl's office to visit Izu-kun. As I was about to walk out the door, I felt someone grab my arm, "Sho-San?" I said in wonder of why he was stopping me. "Where are you going?" He said with almost no emotion... almost robotic now that I think about it. "To Recovery Girl's office to visit Izu-kun, why?" "...I'm going with you." "Okay..? I guess Izu won't mind another visitor. May I ask why though?" "Your the only sibling I have left and I don't want to lose you 'cause... I'm scared something will happen to you if you go alone..."
"Aww~ Sho-San. I promise I'll be extra careful whenever I'm alone."