We've Only Just Begun

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I hope you all like my new Harry Potter Fan Fic

Comment if you have any ideas or suggestions!(:

also dedicated to GlesgaGurl for the awesome cover on the side!!!


Chapter 1

"Keegan are you sure you have everything dear?"  My mum asked as she gave me a hug.

“Yes mum I have everything.” I told her with a sigh.

“Ok good…I’ll miss you love. Don’t forget to make sure you never use your gift unless absolutely necessary…”

Ugg I completely forgot about my “gift.” It’s more like a curse; it sets me apart from everyone else, which meant that I always had to go to specialized witchcraft schools.  Which of course I hated and I always made sure they knew that by destroying things with my “gift.”Until I struck a deal with my parents; they would send me to Hogwarts if I behaved,  of course they agreed to it. Which leads us to the present and why I am boarding the train on platform 9 ¾.  

“I’ll miss you too mummy.” I replied as I gave her one a last hug.

With that I gathered all my belongings; which included my owl and my trunk and started to board the train.

I looked around for any empty carriages and found one. I opened the door and put all my stuff on the racks above my head.  I figured the trip would take awhile so a little nap would be good for me; so that’s just what I did.

As soon as I began to start to fall asleep there was a knock on the door.


“Hello.” A voice replied back to me. I looked up and saw that the voice belonged to a boy around my age with brunette hair and glasses.  “Umm…I hope you don’t mind but me and my friends’ couldn’t find any other carriage the others were all full.”

“Oh ...umm…”I didn’t know if I should let them stay in my carriage or not; I mean I am pretty good at keeping my”gift” unknown, oh what the hell why not he was cute! “Yeah sure of course!” I said to him with a flirtatious smile as his two friends trailed in behind him.

“Thanks! I’m Harry” He told me with a wink. “This is Ron.” He pointed towards the red head. “And this is Hermione.” He then pointed towards the girl with messy dirty blonde hair; which suited her very well.

“Hi.” I waved to all three of them. “My name is Keegan…Keegan Moore.” I said shyly while tucking a piece of my light pink hair behind my ear.

Ron and Hermione sat on one side while Harry and I sat on the other.

“Are you new? I haven’t seen you at Hogwarts before.” The redheaded one replied. Oh what was his name Ryan, Ralph…Ron! That’s it Ron!

“Umm…yeah I am. I’m a third year.”

“Really so are we. I guess that means we will be seeing a lot of each other then.” Harry told me cheekily.

“I suppose we are.”  I replied with a wink.

“Hopefully you’ll be sorted into Gryffindor all the other houses are rubbish” Ron told me while he shoved a handful of bertie botts every flavor beans into his mouth.

“Ronald!” Hermione scolded him.

“What it’s true.” Ron commented with a full mouth. “Besides it’s the only house with us three in it.”

“Well then I hope I get into Gryffindor as well.” I told them with a sly smile.

For the rest of the train ride all us four did was talk. Hermione and Ron fell asleep about 10 minutes ago while Harry and I stayed up playing 20 questions and would you rather.

“Ok ok next question.” I said while giggling.

“Ok would you rather eat a rotten chocolate frog or lick the bottom of Ron’s shoe?” He asked while chuckling at the face I made.

“Umm…rotten chocolate frog!”

“Eww really?”

“Of course I don’t know where Ron’s shoe has been!”

“Smart move…”

“Alright mister Potter my turn” I told him in a whisper since our faces were becoming closer to each other.   

“I have a better idea…” He said while only leaving a centimeter between us.

I could feel it, he was going to kiss me. I was about to kiss Harry James Potter.

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