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third person

acacia had only been in texas for a day and a half and john already felt the inevitable happening. he already knew he had feelings for her, but acacia is so impersonal, for the most part, that he wouldn't dare make it known to anyone. having her around though, sleeping in the same bed as her, holding her with him, and seeing her smile was not helping him to get over what was happening.

john, much like acacia, never really developed serious feelings for people. hell, john had been in two relationships since he became friends with her and acacia had never even as much as tried to flirt with a guy. there was something about relationships that, in her current headspace, grossed her out a little and almost scared her off. john knew this, and john hated that he was falling for her harder because of this.

it's not like john to keep secrets from his friends, especially not smitty, but he had been doing so well to hide this little "crush" on acacia and he's still confused on how not even he had figured it out. it wasn't obvious over videos, and it's not obvious in the way they talk to each other, but being together in person and the way they click is almost a dead giveaway, he thought.

something in john told him to just make a move while acacia is in texas. what's the worst that could happen? though she doesn't handle feelings like that in the best way possible, there's no way she would throw a whole friendship to the dust over someone admitting feelings. or maybe deep down she felt something too? not even acacia can figure out what's going on in her own head most of the time.

both of them knew, for their own reasons, that this trip was going to be a lot of turns on both of their sides. now it's only a matter of finding out how it plays out and what comes from whatever ends up being said.

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