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Draco's Pov:

"Draco wait" I heard someone yell behind me, I stopped to let my friend Pansy Parkinson catch up to me. She stopped and bent over hands on her knees panting for a minuet or so. When she finally caught her breath she stood up and looked at me.

"Where you going?" she asked me. "home"

"But I thought you where going to stay after school, you do realize that the play auditions are today?" she said like that would stop me from walking through the big double door's in front of me. "Yes I do but I cant go Potter wants me to help him study."

"B-but  You've been practicing for the lead role for weeks this is your only chance you get you can't just give up now tell Potter your just going to have to study another time."

"T-Th-That's just it I c-can't h-h-he kn-kn-knows" I was on the verge of crying. "He knows!!! how did he find out???" She asked looking very worried. "I-I don't know but if I d-don't help him study h-he's going to tell the whole s-sc-school." With that I walked out the door keeping my head down so Pansy couldn't see the tiers in my eyes.

*draco's house*

I just got home 5 minutes ago not that its a big deal I still have an hour and a half until potter gets here, might as well clean up a little.

I cleaned the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and my room not that we'd be going into it.

Just as I finished putting all the cleaning supplies away the door bell rang. I walked as slow as I  possible could to the door when the door bell rang for the second time.

"I coming, I coming" I called out to the person on the other side of the door. I open the door to see Potter's finger inches away from the door bell. He looked at me and closed the distance between his finger and the door bell making it ring for the third time.

"Really?" I asked already annoyed with him. I moved out of the way so he could come inside."where's your parents?" Harry asked noticing that no one was home busies me "why do you need to know?" I said not caring how snobbish I sounded. "I was just wondering you dont have to snap at me."

I closed the door and went in to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Harry sitting down next me a few seconds later. "So what did you need help on" I ask him. He gives me a confused look for a second before releasing what I meant. "Oh well you see...I don't really need help on anything" he looks away embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.

" Then why did you ask me to help you study?" I was very annoyed now not only was I going to miss my addition, I wasted half my afternoon to clean my house to look presentable when I could have used it to do homework. Harry looked at me with sadness and regret in his eyes. "The reason I asked you to study was so that you would miss your addition" he said in a rush.

"WHAT" I yelled now I was just angry. "So your telling me someone put you up to this? Who? and how did you find out my secret.." my voice getting quieter near the end. "Yes Alice did she wanted your part and she knew that the only way to get it was to stop you from making it to additions and I know that I shouldn't have done it but I couldn't really say no because she was basically blackmailing me and how I found out your secret was from her."

The thing that really scared me was how did she find out only one person nows I'm gay and that's Pansy. "You probably think I'm disgusting don't you" I say looking down at my hands in my lap. "Why would I think the person I've had a crush on for 3 years be disgusting?"

I looked up at Harry in surprise. "What do you mean?" I asked very confused. "Draco I have had a crush on you for a really long time now and I haven't really been able to tell you because I was confused about who I was but when I finally excepted slash realized that I liked you it was already to late because you hated me and you had a good reason to cause out all the hate I felt durning the war with myself out on you I knew you would never want to go out with me let alone talk to me." Harry finished, his head hanging low. I was surprised but at the same time I was over flowing with joy.

"You idiot" I said as a practically jumped on Harry to give him a hug. He was surprised by the jester at first but hugged me back.

This was the beginning of a great thing.

Yes I know I haven't posted anything in a million years but let's just say I've been REALLY busy so I'm sorry.
~No name

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