Back to Hogwarts

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Harry was excited he was able to go back to Hogwarts but this time he was going to be teaching instead of being taught. After being dumped by his girlfriend Ginny he decided to do something with his life and that's what brought him back to Hogwarts to become a defense against the dark arts teacher. 

Harry had just finished setting up for his lesson tomorrow when one of the other teachers came in and said that the great feast was going to start soon and that he was needed down in the great hall at once. As he was walking down to the hall he bumped into someone on accident.

"I am so sorry," Harry said as he picked himself up of the ground.

"Watch where your going next time Potter"  Harry knew that voice why it was

"MALFOY," Harry said in surprise. 

"yes, Potter it is me don't act so surprised" Draco drawled "why are you back at Hogwarts?" Harry asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing Potter, if you haven't heard I am the new potions teacher." 

"Well good for you but we better get to the great hall if we don't want to get in trouble"

They both walked to the hall and sat in their respective places at the head table and watched as the new students were put into their new houses. after the feast, Harry went back to his office to get some last minute work done when he heard a knock on the door. Getting up he walked to the door and opened it to see Draco standing on the other said.

"Did you need something Malfoy?" Harry asked 

"Yes I would like to talk to you for a little bit," Draco said 

"Okay come in I'd love to talk but what would you like to talk about?" Harry asked, "I'd like to talk about starting over, call a truce, become friends." Draco said as he stuck out his hand, Harry took it and shook his hand. "Truce," Harry said "truce," Draco said back.


Sorry, I haven't uploaded anything in a while but here is another short and terrible story hope you like it!

-No Name

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