England of Hetalia~<3

285 15 13

Awesome: AHAHAA!! *lightning strikes as I laugh evilly* Time for the next prank!

Onyx: Sweet! Hey look! I got a fancy shmancy new phone for us to use!!!! *Holds out a new moterola phone* So, who is our next vict-.... I mean our person today?

Awesome: Oh, the country who gets to have the Olympics in them this year! *giggles*

Onyx: ohhhhh this is gonna be fuuuuun! *hands phone to awesome*

Awesome: *dials Iggy's number* *clears throat and stuff t make some random voice that isn't mine* x3

Onyx: Oh! We don't own Hetalia! *looks at awesome* Okay now we are good.

Awesome: *puts finger to lips*

England: *picks up* Hello?

Awesome: *using a German accent* Hallo. I am... *uh..* Asa. I am from ze World Cooking Society, und I have phones to say du have earned a spot in ze finals for z category of ze vorld's vorst cooker. My friend here vill explain ze rest to du, I must go tell ze ozer finalists zat zey have gotten a spot. *runs off* Zat vas lame....

Onyx: Uhhhh *whispers* I don't know what to say!!!!!


Onyx: Did we say that? No we didn't, but if you say it is then, yes, it really is.

England: What? HEY!!!!!!!!

Onyx: Kekekeke

England: I'll have you know that English food is the height in culinary perfection!

Onyx: Yea I can't believe you would tell poor little America that, now look that that did to him. His food is almost as bad as yours! (No offense to any Amerca's reading this)

Awesome: *Clears throat* Excuse me sir, but If you don't stop calling us I'll have to call the cops!

England: What? But you called me!

Onyx: Pa, get the shot gun! It's that creepy phone stalker again!

Awesome: Sir, sir, sir. We understand the state your in, but we are not phone whores. *whispers loud enough for England to hear* I told you not to answer the phone! I told you it was a call from the insane asylum!

England: What? I never...

Onyx: GIMME CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OWO

Awesome: *makes one arm do the wave in front of me every time I sat psst* Psssssssssssst, Iggy! Psssssssssssst, Iggy! Psssssssssssst, Iggy! *bites lip* STEEEEEEEVE~ *dances away* trololololololololololo~!

England: O.O uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........................

Onyx: *trying not to laugh* I'm sorry sir but if you keep calling us we will be forced to get a restraining order. NO MIROKU WE DO NOT WANT TO BEAR YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome: NO INUYASHA REFERENCES WHEN WE'RE DOING HETALIA!! *smacks head repetitively* smack smack smack smack....

Onyx: oowowowow!!! I'M SORRY!!!!

Phone: beep. beep. beep. beep.

Onyx: *looks at phone* Aww, he hung up. *starts ROTFLMAOing* OMG THAT WAS SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome:*grabs phone and re-dials*

*gets answering machine*


Onyx: *pats awesome on the shoulder* Come one let's leave the poor guy alone.... for now. I'm hungry so let's finish this off then go get sushi. *looks at readers* Thanks for reading!!! Remember to vote, comment, and request! Hugs for those who do!

Awesome: *smacks* You can give hugs but I hate 'em so I'm giving out COOKIES!! *looks at phone* Bye Iggy Don't forget, tomorrow you teach me magic >:3--- Oh wait, I mean.. Uh.. BYE! *Hangs up and runs away*

Onyx: *face palms* Way to give away our identity's. Oh well let's go get food. *waves at readers* BYE!!!!

Awesome: *grabs Onyx's arm and drags her to go get food* PEACE! *does finger peace sign behind me as I walk out the door.

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