Chapter 9

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Sent By: I don't have the wattpad username but the email says Justforfun Gamergirl : )


It was fairly warm outside. There was a bit of a breeze, which lightly swayed my hair.

Dan and I stared out at the ocean for quite some time, just enjoying each others presence. Occasionally one of us would point out an interesting cloud or a bird in the distance.

"(Y/N)?" Dan asked after some time.

"Yeah?" I responded, forcing myself to look away from the ocean.

"Youuuuu wanna go swimming?" He questioned, a smile playing on his lips.

I pretended to think about it for a few seconds before I nodded my head excitedly.

We went back inside and Dan went to his room to change, while I began searching my room for my swim suit. It wasn't a difficult search considering I still hadn't unpacked all of my clothes, so I found it in my suitcase.

I quickly got changed and then put a baggy T-shirt over it and tied my hair up.

I left my room and went down into the basement, where I plopped onto the couch and waited for Dan. It wasn't long before he came down the stairs and we walked out together.

There was a stone path that slopes downward toward the beach and I immediately began jumping from stone to stone. Dan joined me, laughing.

We made it to the sand and I continued racing towards the water. Dan followed closely behind me. As soon as we entered the water, we began messing around, chasing each other in the water, and splashing.

When we got tired of that, we got out of the water and began doing that thing where you chance the water as it retreats and run away as it comes towards you. Then we proceeded to have a competition over who could make the best sand castle.

It was about midday at this point and we were both exhausted. I was laying on the sand, arm covering me eyes, while Dan sat next to me.

"Should we go get some lunch now?" Dan asked, gently patting my head.

I removed my arm from my face and nodded my head, standing up and stretching.

However, as soon as I began stretching pain made its way all over my body.

"Fuuuuuuuu-" I exclaimed, wincing in pain.

Dan looked towards me with worry.

"What's wrong?" He asked, walking towards me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

I yelped and ducked away from him.

"Dannnnnnnnn, we didn't put sunscreen on. How are you not burnt?" I asked.

Dan chuckled before striking a funny pose.

"I can't get sunburnt bish I AM the sun." He claimed, shooting me a goofy grin.

I shook my head, smiling and started walking away.

"I better not get to close to you then or you'll burn me to a crisp." I replied.

"Nuuuuuuuuuuu." Dan whined, chasing after me.

"I won't burn you I promiseeee." He assured me, now walking beside me.

I laughed.

"I'd give you a hug but seeing as I'm so burnt, I'll have to save it for another time." I told him, opening the door to the house.

Dan smiled and nodded.

"Why don't you go take a nice cold shower to help with the burn while I make lunch?" He suggested, following behind me.

I smiled at him before nodding my head.

"Okay, I'll do that. Don't burn the house down." I warned him.

Dan scoffed before heading towards the staircase.

I followed behind him until we got to the top of the stairs. There, we went our separate ways, me to the bathroom and Dan to the kitchen.

Once in the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, but I didn't bother to lock the other door that led to my room. I grabbed a towel and placed it on the counter and then I started the water.

While I let the water do it's thing, I got undressed and examined my sunburn.

It was pretty bad.

With a sigh, I hopped into the shower and did my best to wash my hair and the rest of my body without hurting myself. The sunburn made it very difficult, but I managed. I let the water run over me and thought about my day so far.

I thought of everything Dan and I had done today before my thoughts wandered to just Dan himself. His laugh echoed in my mind as I imagined him in the kitchen making food. It was at this point I realized I had been smiling without knowing.

Dan is a really good friend so it would make sense that the thought of him makes me happy... right?

I hurriedly finished my shower, realizing I had been taking a while and got out. I dried myself off with the towel as best as I could and then I wrapped it around my body. I picked up my previously discarded clothes and then brought them into my bedroom and put them where they belong.

On the way to my suitcase, my leg brushed against my bed, reminding me of the terrible sunburn I had. I winced and stepped away from the bed. I stood in my room for a few minutes trying to think of what I could do to lessen the pain. Taking a cold shower definitely made it hurt less, but it still bothered me.

Wearing loose clothing was one option because it'd lessen the pain, but finding a way to actually heal the pain would be better.

Then I remembered the numerous times in my childhood where Dan and I would spend too much time outside and then my mom would put aloe Vera on our sunburns.

I smiled at the memories and then walked to the bathroom.

The door was still locked, so I had no worry about being in my towel. I shuffled through several cabinets, finding various pain killers and first aid type things before I finally came across what I was looking for.

I took my towel off and set it on the counter and then I opened the bottle of aloe Vera. I squeezed some onto my hands and began applying it everywhere I had a sunburn... which was pretty much everywhere.

The soothing effects kicked in immediately and I smiled in satisfaction before shutting the lid and putting the aloe Vera back. Then I grabbed my towel and hung it up in the bathroom.

At this point I felt like I had been taking forever, so I rushed into my room and found some comfortable clothes to wear. After putting them on, I entered the bathroom once again and unlocked the door before heading out into the kitchen.

When I walked into the kitchen, a smile lit up my face as I saw what Dan had done.

This lunch would be amazing.

1147 words

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