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marks got red hair in this don't yell at me :(

trigger warnings: abuse!


"You called the cops?! What is wrong with you?! We're both going to jail— you hit me!"

"It was self defense—!"

All that could be heard was a raspy voice shout angrily at a crying and whimpering woman as she was slapped and she scrambled under a table, trying her best to keep away from the man that tried to grab her.

"LAPD! Open up or we're coming in!"

The man groaned as he grabbed the females wrist and yanked her to her feet as the door was kicked in and men charged it in with their weapons drawn.

"Put your hands where we can see them! Let go of the woman!"

The male scoffed and pulled her closer, his free hand threatening to grab her neck with a growing smirk. "Tch, you're all nothing without—"

"-Me?" A voice interrupted the others mindless talk. Another male emerged from the crowd of police men. With his fiery red hair, he could be noticed from miles away.

"..Mark?" The female spoke up, causing the male to gasp, immediately letting the female go and raising his hands up, surrendering. The female tripped as she ran and fell into Mark's arms. He quickly grabbed her and held her close as she sobbed.

"In the flesh, Cello. I thought you said when you were released you'd live a better life.. I should've known you were lying."

"B-But, they said you weren't coming back--"

"I wasn't, but I had a feeling in my gut and I'm glad I listened to it. Arrest him." Mark sneered as he walked away, keeping his arm over the woman's shoulder as they walked out.



Mark hummed as he walked through a door to a small room with glass walls. He stood across from Amy, who was sat at a table, still trembling from the previous events from last night.

"I know this is hard, but I need you to tell me what happened, anything you can remember will help us in locking Brandon up."

Amy sniffed, her hand shaking as she gently brushed her hair back behind her ear, wincing. She had a clear black eye, a cut across her cheek and bruise on her neck. She had suffered a concussion and stayed overnight at the hospital, but she was recovering.

"I-I-- He had just gotten home from work, it was around eleven thirty. He works second shift at a club, he's a bartender. Um, Brandon had a rough day at work and.. h-he wanted me to help him.. relieve his.. stress.."

Mark licked his lips slowly, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Amy, "But you weren't in the mood. Amy," The male squinted slightly before leaning over to get a better look at the females upper arms. "You've got wounds that have already healed— has he been beating you before?"

Amy teared up as she lifted her arms slightly to cover herself, her body shaking like a leaf as she nodded. "H-He beat me about.. two weeks ago because I-I.. forgot to pay r-rent. He.. doesn't get a lot of money being a bartender. Mark, I.. I work as a waiter and a part-time nurse at the hospital on weekends— I barely make enough money to pay for the weed he gets--"

Amy choked as she wiped her eyes.

Mark sighed quietly as he walked around the table to slowly help the other stand up. His hands rested on her shoulders softly, being cautious of how fragile she was. "Alright, I think you have enough to testify against hi—" Amy gasped and gripped Mark's wrists, her eyebrows raised and eyes wide.

"Testify--?! Mark, if he walks away a free man I'm dead!"

Mark shook his head, his hands lightly holding the others forearms as he pulled her close and into a tight embrace. He was quietly shushing Amy quietly as she shook her head and began sobbing again.

"He will not be stepping within fucking miles of you, I'm filing a restraining order if he somehow walks away free— and if you're willing to consent, I want you to stay at my house."

Amy gasped, her glossy eyes staring into Mark's as she nodded almost immediately, "I-If I'm not a b-burden— I just w-want to feel safe a-again."

Mark smiled softly and rubbed her back gently, "Of course. I'll have protection outside my house if I'm ever not there."

Amy nodded softly and leaned into Mark's touch. She felt safe. She finally felt safe.


Amy sat down on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her and her legs pressed to her chest as Mark walked in, brushing a hand through his bright red hair as he sat down beside her and glanced at the tv.

"You're watching the news on your own case? It's three weeks old now and he's in jail without bail."

Amy nodded slightly and sighed as she leaned her head back against the couch, her eyes gazing into Mark's.

She could feel those butterflies forming. Why did they never fail?

"It's satisfying to see him get shoved into a police car."

Mark chuckled quietly, nodding silently in agreement, "I agree with you, I'm glad. Although I do have one question." Amy's expression shifted to one of confusion as she nodded slowly.

"How long had you two been together? I just.. I'm curious."

Amy sighed as she closed her eyes, ".. Almost four years-- yeah, I know. Please don't laugh, I was just.. so gullible that I believed his lies every single time, I--"

Mark immediately leaned over and pressed a kiss to Amy's forehead, her cheeks nearly heating up on cue as she turned her attention to him.

"That's okay. Three and half years may have gone to waste, but you've got time."

Amy slowly let a smile tug at her lips as she tilted her head slightly, "You think so?"

"I know so."


ive been watching a lot of csi: miami and wanted to do smth small.

i was gonna write out like the court stuff but idk how all of that works but hey

it's got a happy ending.

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