morning shenanigans.

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hehe hi. i used an otp prompt thing for this bc im out of ideas but realized i hadn't touched this book since December. hi! im not dead :D pls send in more requests!

im busy w school now but ill get to what i can thank u <3

enjoy bby ;*

no warnings ;  words: 1040


Amy woke up a little earlier than the alarm that was set and she decided to get up and fix some coffee for herself and Mark for when he got up in a few minutes. As she got up the stairs and walked back into their bedroom, the piercing sound of the alarm started going off. She watched as Mark groaned loudly and turned over to silence the alarm.

Whilst giggling to herself as she saw the events from Mark unfold, the half Korean rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up slowly, his attention shifting to Amy as the smell of coffee entered his nose. He yawned, watching his girlfriend as she walked towards the closet. "Did you pick up your suit from the dry cleaners yesterday, babe?"

Mark lifted his head slightly, his brows raising as he threw the warm covers off of him and slowly stood up. He stretched and yawned while trying to respond to Amy, "Mmmmhm!" Amy nodded in response and pulled a dress from the closet.

It was a white dress that seemed to flow just slightly beyond the knees and spread out into a row of ruffles at the end of it. Mark smiled to himself, imagining Amy already wearing the dress. "I have coffee fixed downstairs if you want any." She added, before completely changing the topic.

"Aren't you excited? I can't wait to see your mom again, she's the sweetest!" Excitement clear in her voice, she was ecstatic. Mark and Amy had been invited to Tom's, Mark's brother, wedding. Amy didn't really expect to get the invitation to go, but Tom had told her who would he be if he didn't let his brother's girlfriend come, too? Amy giggled quietly at the thought.

"Yeah," Mark spoke, his voice still a bit raspy from just waking up. He walked towards the closet and pulled his suit down, walking towards the bed. "I never thought I'd see my brother getting married, but hey, I guess we really do eventually grow up."

Mark grabbed some cologne and deodorant off the dresser and looked over to see Amy pulling the spaghetti strap to the dress over her shoulder. Too revealing, Mark thought. But, that was just his intrusive thoughts talking.

Shaking his head, Mark set his suit down on the bed and turned to put deodorant on before he began to pull the suit off of the coat hanger. Amy was grabbing her shoes and her favorite bottle of perfume. She shifted her attention to Mark who was currently pulling his pants on and throwing his button-up on. Amy paused. Why hadn't she taken the time to appreciate such a sight before? Holy shit.

Amy sprayed some perfume on lightly since it had quite a strong smell in her opinion. Mark always told her she looked good and smelled nice all the time, but of course she didn't believe it. She's stubborn, she'd never. Amy realized Mark had pulled his suit jacket on and was now only missing the tie. Bingo. Spotting the tie on the bed, Amy smirked to herself and snatched the tie off of the bed before Mark could grab it.

Mark groaned and shifted his attention to Amy while he grabbed his belt and began putting it on. "Amy, I need that." She only nodded, her cheeks heating up while Mark walked towards the dresser and put on socks and to find his shoes. "If you don't give me my tie back before I find my shoes, your ass is grass, Miss Nelson."

Crossing her arms with the tie being held tightly in her hand, Amy watched as Mark found his shoes and put them on to complete his look. Well, minus the tie. "Amy." She still had the tie in her hand after Mark finished tying his shoes. The brunette snorted as she backed away slowly, she was wearing heels, so running wouldn't be the best option. But, it didn't stop her from considering it.

Mark stepped towards her, "Amy, if you keep this up, we'll be late to the wedding." Had they really wasted that much time already? Amy stuck her tongue out and lifted the tie up despite knowing Mark was taller than her. She should be lucky she's cute, Mark thought. The half Korean lunged forward to seize Amy by her waist, although his grip wasn't tight and he was wary of how tight he was holding her. Amy began squirming, her hands raised as she laughed.

"Let go! Mark--!"

"Give me my tie back, princess! Or it's your ass!" He joked, smirking.

Amy paused, her expression softening while she stared up at the male who had a way of being hot and threatening at the same damn time. Fuck. Perhaps she was thinking of a game plan. Hm, she could give him his tie back and tease him the entire time at the wedding.. or she could save it all for tonight. "Mm, fine. Under one condition."

"Anything, baby girl."


"I get something when we get home tonight." She replied, her response throwing Mark off by far. He paused briefly before scoffing and raising his hands to seize Amy's wrists next while he nodded slowly. "As you wish, my dear." Amy giggled to herself as Mark let her wrists go and she handed him his tie back.


As they finished getting ready, Mark shut the door to the house and adjusted his tie as they walked to the car. "How do I look?" He asked, shifting his attention to Amy as he opened the passenger door for her. "Honestly," She began as she sat down, looking up at him. "You look as handsome as the day I met you." Mark smiled and leaned down to press a quick kiss to Amy's lips before he got in the car.

"Thank you."





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