-take the wheel.

85 3 6

mark and amy drive home to marks moms for christmas, but they have some conflict on the way.

warnings: none. ; 780 words.

music above was what gave me the inspiration to make this.



"Amy, Timothy is asleep in the back seat and I can barely keep my eyes on the road— why are bringing this up now—?!"

Mark's hands gripped the steering wheel as he slowly drove the car through a few good inches of snow. They were almost at their destination and all was going great until Amy had woken up due to Mark hitting a speed bump.

The brunette wasn't grouchy about getting woken up. In fact, she was silent when she woke up, that was, until ten minutes later. Amy started talking about how Mark used to go out with Bob and Wade late on Friday nights and not get home until 4AM. This was a month ago. Why did she feel the need to bring it up now?

Amy crossed her arms, her legs pressed against her chest as she glared out the window and furrowed her eyebrows. "I just think it's weird that you did that for months and suddenly stopped-- what, did the chick you were messing with stop hanging at the bar you, Bob and Wade went t—"

Amy's sentence was interrupted by the sound of the car sliding and Mark's sudden scream. The brunette's attitude shifting almost immediately when she realized Mark had lost control of the car. Mark had ignored Amy's smart remark and turned his attention to her. As the car kept spinning, the two held hands and prayed silently together while Mark used his free hand to try and keep the tires from moving.

Timothy had woken up and started crying which only gave Mark the strength to get the car to stop. As the car came to a halt, Amy's grip loosened on Mark's hand and he turned back to look at Timothy.

"Hey, Tim-- bud. It's okay, we're okay."

Timothy sniffed, his bright chocolate hues staring back at Mark and Amy.

"D-.. daddy, I'm scared.." The four year old whispered, wiping his eyes. Mark let Amy's hand go to rub Timothy's leg soothingly in hopes of reassuring the shaken child.

Amy turned her head and covered her face to hide her tears. All she could think of was about how they literally could've died. Amy and Mark's last communicated breath to each other would've been an argument over something so stupid! And Timothy. Oh my god— Timothy. Amy screamed silently at the thought of him getting hurt. Amy had stopped her rambling thoughts when she heard Mark speak up.

"It's okay, buddy. Daddy's got ya' and mommy's right here. We're almost at grandma's, alright?"

Amy's heart soared. She lifted her head as Mark turned his attention back to her, cheeks tear stained. The brunette grabbed Mark's hand again and leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Mark's lips, her nose stuffy from crying.

"I'm so sorry-- this was all my fault. I shouldn't have said a word- why did I think that was a good idea--"

"Amy, let's just get to my mom's-- speaking of which.." Mark mumbled and pulled his phone from his pocket and started typing away at the screen. The half Korean put his phone in the back seat. "I wanted to let her know we'll be a bit late."

Amy nodded silently, her mind still rambling about how they could've died and it would've been her fault. She couldn't take that. The female turned her head to look back at Timothy who now seemed to have Mark's phone and was watching YouTube.

"Timothy, baby?" The child paused the video he was watching when Amy spoke up to catch his attention. Amy smiled softly and reached behind the seat to grab his hand. "You know mommy and daddy love you so much, right?"

Timothy smiled and nodded while holding Amy's hand gently. Amy smiled and let Timothy's hand go when Mark had finally started moving the car again. Amy sat down and buckled up, her eyes glancing towards Mark.


"Yes, Ames?"

"I love you." Her voice was barely audible, but Mark knew exactly what she said and he didn't hesitate to say it back as he turned onto the main roads that were mostly clear of the snow.

"I love you, most, babe. Calm down, please? Everything's okay."

Amy sighed quietly, relief washing over her as she nodded gently. She hugged her knees close to her chest and closed her eyes.

Jesus, take the wheel.


i was finna make this Angst but.

it's 1AM i can't do that rn
take this ig

-vanilla 💕

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