chapter 5

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Three weeks later and I still haven't heard from Michael, I'm beginning to think he's forgotten about me.
My parents don't know what to do with me. They think I'm depressed and I think I am too. The surprise my mother had told me about was that my dad had come into a lot of money, that we were filthy stinking rich now. I don't care.
They plan to move us to Beverly Hills within the week. My room is all packed up and my stuff is being shipped at this very moment.
I'm worried that if Michael comes back for me he won't be able to find me, but then again I'm also worried he won't come back at all.
My mother wants me to see a therapist but what would I tell them. My boyfriend is the antichrist and he left me to follow his destiny? I'd get locked up quicker than a hiccup.
I have his note still, tucked away in my pockets and his rose is still perfect in my vase. The movers wanted to toss it and just store the vase but I refused. I almost jumped the guy when I caught him dumping the water out of it.
I wish I knew how to get a hold of him, so he'll know where I went. I just hope our connection is strong enough that he can find me.
"Haley darling come on! We have to go and make sure everything is being taken care of at our new house! My mother runs in, she already has that whole rich trophy wife thing going on. I hate it.
"I'm just saying goodbye to my room mom. Sorry if I actually care about the house that I grew up in." The house I grew to love Michael in.
"You have 5 minutes before I'm leaving!" She yells storming back out of the room.
This money is going to ruin everything I just know it is.
I have learned so much here with Miss Mead. She has taught me what it means to be the son of Satan. She's helped he hone my powers and taught me how to properly pray to my true father. I can't believe I actually thought that that miserable excuse for a boy Tate could be my father. I'm much more powerful than that.
I know my true purpose now, and I know how to get it. I just need Haley back by my side now and we can continue on with the plans.
My father showed me how Haley and I are connected. How he had destined her to be mine the minute she was born. The daughter of the only friend of the vessel he used to create me. He had this planned for me. I just need to find her again and bring her here to me. She will help me strengthen my powers for my next step.
"Miss Mead I am heading out now, don't forget I will be bringing home a guest. You know how important she is to me so if you would please make her feel welcomed. I know you two will get along great." I say holding both her hands out in front of me as she grins up at me, her older face full of admiration.
"Of course, go and find your queen. I will make sure this place is perfect for her arrival." She bows her head lightly and I squeeze her hands before heading outside.
It's been two months since I've seen my love. I know she must be furious with me, having left her after we had just made love. But my people had found me, and I knew I had to go with them. I wanted to wake her, and bring her with me but she looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping that I couldn't bring myself to disturb her.
I have missed her so much in these past months that it hurts deep inside my soul. I can only imagine how she must be feeling. She had told me how the pull feels stronger the further away and the longer I am from her. It must be excruciating for her now. I can only hope she forgives me and understands that I had to do this.
When I find my way back on our street I feel something different. Her house has a for sale sign in the yard.
I run down until I'm on the porch and I can feel the emptiness from outside. No one lives here anymore, she's gone.
I kick the door down and hurry up to her room, the room where she became mine, body and soul, is completely bare. The hard wood floors revealed where there once had been rugs and dressers and at one point all of our clothes. I lay down on the floor in the spot where her bed once sat, close my eyes and concentrate. I know I can find her, I can feel her.
I picture the connection I feel to her, as a tangible visible connection, a string that I can follow. I see a large house, a gate and a driveway. I see three cars in the garage and inside the house, upstairs in a new bedroom asleep in her bed is my queen.
"Haley" I call out to her, my voice is harsh my powers have manipulated it. Her eyes widen and she looks right at me.
"Michael." She whispers, and she sits up in her bed. I focus all my might on getting to her. I've never moved myself all that way before but she needs me and I need her, I know I can do it.
I take a deep breath and when I open my eyes again I'm in her new room, and she's hovering over me.
"Michael your nose." I raise a hand t my nose and see that its bleeding.
"Let me get you a tissue." She runs from my side to the other end of the room and returns with a box of tissues.
"My love." I whisper and I reach up to touch her face and she blushes as she wipes the blood from my nose.
"I've missed you." She says softly and I can see in her eyes she's upset. Its killing me to know that I made her unhappy. I sit up quickly and pull her into my lap and kiss her for the first time in two months. I can feel the air around us start to shift. Papers fly off the desks, and start spinning around us. Her body melts against mine and I feel powerful.
I control myself and pull way from the kiss and she looks up at me with her big brown eyes.
"You left me...." she whispers and I can feel her pain. I wince and try to pull her back to me but she's up and standing before I can stop her.
"I gave you everything and you just left. I didn't hear from you for two goddamn months! Are you fucking kidding me! Do you even realize how much pain I was in! The first few weeks I just felt empty, after a month I felt like I was being ripped open. Then it felt like I just had this constantly ripping open wound in my heart." She shoves me back and I stumble. "My parents gave me these fucking pills! I didnt even take them because I was so worried I wouldn't feel it anymore. I suffered all that pain because I knew it was because I was still connected to you. I went through all of that pain because of you!" She shoves me again and I fall back on her bed. The wind in the room goes faster and faster and I realize I'm not the one causing it, she is.
Her brown hair is whipping around her head and she looks majestic. I don't know how she came into these powers, or if she's had them all along.
All I know is I've never loved someone more than I do in this moment.
I can feel the rage and power surging through me. This feeling has been building and building up inside me and now that its let out I'm not sure I can control it. Michael stares up at me in awe as I create my own mini tornado throughout my room. I've never done anything like this before, and it scares me a little.
"Michael." I whimper as the wind gets faster and faster. He notices the panicked look in my eyes and he reaches out, wraps both arms around my waist and throws me onto the bed, ripping me out of my storm. The spell breaks and I sob. He pulls me onto him and I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat, and its calming. I missed the sound of it for months.
"I'm sorry I left you, but I have so much to tell you. I've learned so much about myself and my destiny, our destiny." His voice is soft, and I can tell he's trying to not upset me again. I prop myself up to look him in the eyes. He reaches a hand out and brushes one of my windswept hairs behind my ear with a content look on his face.
"I will explain everything tonight, when you come with me to my new home." He sits us up so I'm sitting on on his lap and he rocks me softly.
"New home, with strangers?" I ask cautiously and he shakes his head looking excited.
"No, no my love. A new home with Miss Mead, she's the first person, besides you that I think has ever truly understood me. I want you to meet her." My heart drops slightly, he has another woman at his new home. What if she's young, and pretty, and what if he starts to care for her.
"Oh darling no don't get that look. Miss Mead is like a mother to me. Please, don't think the worst just yet. Just come meet her, she's so very excited to see you." He kisses my forehead softly and I smile widely, for the first time in months.
"Then let's go, I'll text my mom and tell her I'm going shopping, she won't care." I explain grabbing my phone and sending off a quick text.
'Went out shopping, may be late plan to make friends, don't wait up'
"Plan to make friends?" He asks and I scoff shaking my head.
"She's been obsessed with our new social status. She wants me to make friends, heck I'm sure if I hadn't texted her she wouldn't have even noticed I was missing." He looks down sadly at me and shakes his head.
"Well where we are going I promise that you are going to be treated like a queen."
The glint in his eyes makes my breath catch. I've missed them so much, and now there is a purpose behind them.
He knows his destiny now, and he's inviting me to join him.
I'm not sure if I should be afraid or not...

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