Chapter 19

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"You froze her?" He asks from behind his desk and I groan in frustration. He doesn't believe what I'm telling him.
"Yes Michael, I have powers again, somehow. How is that! Am I..." I stop and his eyes widen. He glances at my stomach and takes a deep breath.
"No, no you aren't pregnant." He says softly and my heart hits my stomach. I shake away the hope I'd had that I might have another chance and turn to try and leave.
"I'm not sure how you have these powers, I want to pray on it. Would you like to join?" He asks and I start to get nervous. I haven't prayed in so long, not even at meals.
"The last time I prayed he sent me to the witches." I whisper to Michael and he pulls me back into the room and holds me for a moment.
"Everything is going to be alright my love. Come now, let's pray."
As Michael is lighting the candles my heart is pounding in my chest. I've never been so nervous to pray before.
He sets the last candle in place and removes his shirt. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from checking him out and do the same.
We sit in front of each other completely naked and he hands me the knife.
I take a deep breath and slide the blade up my arm and watch as the crimson line follows. He takes it back and does the same, before we use our blood to draw the pentagram.
Michael speaks in another language, Latin I think, I've never been able to understand it. His eyes are white and his hands are rubbing the blood from his body to mine.
I try to concentrate on saying what I needed to say but its so hard to do with his hands on me.


Gallant is unbearable, he keeps suggesting that he slept with Michael. I know the truth of course but he and Coco are treating me like crap about it.
"He came into my room after she was asleep, she's definitely a beard." I hear him whisper, even though I'm halfway across the room. I want to grab a book off the shelf and hurl it at him, but I stop myself. I need to keep their trust so I can kill them later.
"I'm telling you Coco, he fucked me like he was dying of thirst and I was the last drink of water for miles." That's it, the large hardback book flies off the shelf and hurls at Gallant, it hits him square in the jaw and he screams.
"What the hell!" Coco yells as Gallant cries and cradles his bleeding jaw.
"Fuck off." I hiss and turn to head back to Michael and I's room but stop, he is busy interviewing Venable.
Instead I run into Mallory, who is rushing towards the library. She must've heard the screaming and is on her way to help.
I grab her arm to stop her but she shoves me back without even touching me. I wince when my back hits the wall and I see triumph in her eyes.
"I'm more powerful than you are Haley." She says proudly and I close my eyes, holding back the tears.
"I know you are." I say as she pushes past me and to Coco's aid.
I need to kill her, soon. Her powers are getting stronger and I know that if the witches are still alive they will be looking for her.
I need to end this before that happens.
Its dinner time, and Michael and I are again eating in his room. The others are not happy that I don't have to dine with them but why would I choose the cubes when I can have the gourmet meals Michael creates for me.
"Gallant said you slept with him." I say in the form of a question as I put a forkful of potato in my mouth smirking.
Michael laughs and I smile at the sound. He is such a beautiful human.
"Just a little mind trick, I need some form of control over him. I used the leather man, he was more than willing to help out."  My smile falters as my blood runs cold. I know that Michael runs with evil beings, he always has. But the leather man... I heard stories about it growing up from Violet, when Vivian went crazy.
"He's tormenting me about it. He and Coco called me a beard." I feel like a child upset about a bully when I tell him this. I'm more than capable of handling my own problems, but he should know about them first right?
"A beard?" He asks, obviously confused. Even though he grew up here, in the modern world, he only knows so much.
"A beard is a cover up. A girlfriend you have to try and convince people you are straight." That makes him laugh, so much to the point that I can't help but laugh with him.
"Don't worry my queen, all of it will be over soon." I lean over the table and kiss his lips softly.
"Can I be the one to kill Coco?"

Listen y'all I know this is short and I'm so sorry for that but its kind've a filler. I'm still getting the hang of writing this again. I just completely re-read my entire story tonight and it helped a lot. I'd forgotten half of what I'd written before and it really inspired me to keep going. If y'all bear with me, I will finish this story! It's going to be a process but I PROMISE I will finish it, hopefully before the end of the year!

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