Singing Whales

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Musa POV

I stare outside the balcony. The view of the festival looks beautiful as the sun shines on top of it. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. "What are we doing today Muse." Riven sighs. "We will watch the singing Wales and then I got us all tickets to the biggest concert ever! My old friend Lukas will be playing with his band and we got a front-row table!" I get excited. Riven does not know Lukas is my EX-boyfriend, I fear the worst if he knows.

"Awesome, can't wait. Let's join the others for lunch, they are hungry and who knows the food here better than you do?" Riven rubs his belly, I smile and walk outside. I see the girls get excited to see me, Stella runs up to me.

"Please tell me that there is Chinese food here! I have only found that on earth!" Stella exclaims desperately. I laugh, she can be so stereotypical. "Believe it, any Asian food is here Stella." I roll my eyes, Brandon chuckles at his girlfriend. "Guys wait, Korean or Chinese?" I snap my fingers and raise my eyebrow, Stella shrugs. Bloom walks up to me, "I think we should try Korean here!" Bloom grabs my arm and pulls me to start running to wherever the food is. I laugh at her and start walking in the direction of the Korean food restaurant, they start to follow me and Riven comes up swiftly from behind me,

"I am excited to eat, I haven't felt this hungry since that one time when we got stuck on an Island and had to deal with Pirates." Riven rubbed the back of his neck as he remembered his worry when I was out cold along with Brandon.
I remember hearing Riven worry for me, I couldn't open my eyes too well at that moment but I heard most of what was going on, he didn't want to leave my side. He even held me in his arms that night to keep me safe. The only time I have ever slept with a guy, and it made me somehow recover faster. Even if he can't show his true emotions, I still can see through his thick layer and see the real Riven.

"Alright, we are here! Why don't we eat outside today, they got tables all setup and ready." I say cheerfully. Riven and Helia open the doors for all of us. I walk in and wait aside for my companion Riven. Once we all get inside Riven walks next to me. The waiter comes up to us and sees our group of twelve.

"Just you all?" The waiter asked. "Yes just us, it is twelve of us, and could we sit outside at the tables?" Sky answered. No matter when or where Sky is always a leader and that's something I admire him for, even if my boyfriend tried stealing his position I still feel that Sky is the best leader anyone could ever have.
The waiter shows us to our table outside, it's a big round table which is perfect for all of us. I sit next to Riven and admire the scenery, I can see the festival within two miles and the beautiful ocean of Melody. The way the sky is as blue as the ocean water and the smell of cherry blossom trees made me finally feel at home.

Our food finally arrives and we start eating. "Wow Musa, this food tastes amazing!" Brandon tries to make out as he stuffs his mouth full of food.
"I knew you all would like it, it really does taste amazing."

Trix in their cave

"Darcy!" Icy's anger raves through her body as she saw how she tried to defeat the Winx.
"What is it now? You got a new temporary lover boy?" Darcy leans on their dining table with arms crossed.
"Don't give me your pity roasts! I think what you did was smart yet stupid. If you wanted Riven your chances are over, they have the power of true love! Like Bloom and Sky! If you are going to ruin them do it right!" Icy leaned over their small table which had their crystal ball and potion bottles on it.

"Oh sister, it is not like you could've done any better!" Stormy barges in petting her frizzy hair, "it's true, you have always been the first to run away from battle when you were with that scaly monster!" Darcy defended her self.
"Quit it you two! I got a new plan." Icy attempts to change the subject. She stands up straight and tall. "Today is the day of the singing wales is it not? Why don't we take advantage that the Winx are gone and we take over cloud tower once more?" Her lips curve into an evil smile.

"I love your idea!" Darcy started to laugh evilly. "Let's start now before they even think about returning!" Stormy says with great enthusiasm.

Back with the Winx

We all finished eating and start entering the festival. Riven has a hand on my shoulder, it makes me feel butterflies in my stomach. I see my dad working in one of the stands selling instrument accessories. My dad smiles as the customer walks away and sees Riven, Flora, Helia and I enter his stand. The others explore other stands.

"My Musa! I am sorry But I had to leave the house early this morning because I had to open the stand. Did you all sleep well?" My dad joyfully welcomed us to his stand and put out some chairs for us four to sit on.
"No worries father, I understand very well, and yes we had a blast last night. How is everything going here?" I smiled and held Riven's hand? "Oh Musa, it is great, everyone is together for such a special event. It's time we all get close and go watch the singing wales now. They are about to start singing." My dad stood up in excitement and as did we. We started to walk towards the deck and the city reserved a spot for us. I turned to see my dad but he wasn't here, I saw him speaking to a woman with beautiful curly hair long and pink and she seemed around his age. I smile and feel happy, he needs someone to mend his broken heart. He places a blanket for them to sit on the grass.

I turn my attention back to my friends and get ready to hear the beautiful wales. "It's been so long, I wish my mom were here to enjoy this special moment. She was everything to me. I felt a tear slip down my eye, Riven immediately noticed. He wrapped his left arm behind my shoulders. I place my hands on his chest and feel comfort.

The wales start singing the beautiful harmony of Melody. And even a snippet of Return to me. Riven held me through the whole thing, I could not ask for anything any better.

"Girls emergency! Cloud tower has been taken over by the Trix again!" Sky alerts us. We all gasped. They outsmarted us, they knew we weren't there to protect the schools now the whole universe is in danger. All because I wanted to see the singing wales.

"Let's go now Winx!" Bloom exclaims with immense worry.
"Wait, Bloom, I have to at least say bye to my father, I'll meet you all at the ship!" I say, I then started to run to my father. "Dad!" I hug him, he gave off a surprised chuckle. "I am so sorry but I have to leave Melody! I have an emergency situation to attend." I started to feel tears slip out of my eyes, I wasn't the only one. My dad had a couple of tears travel down his face.
"Oh my Musa I couldn't be more proud of you, go save us all. I will be waiting for my wedding invitation." My dad held my arms. I chuckle nervously when he mentioned the wedding invitation and as did Riven of course. "Young boy, please watch over my beautiful young daughter, I trust her to you." My father shook hands with Riven, I give my father one last big hug.

Riven and started to run to the ship. Many thoughts keep traveling through my head, what if this time the Trix really know how to defeat us. What if they kill or get Riven as Darcy wants. I love him too much to lose him ever again. I run but I stop, I feel so overwhelmed I feel dizziness and pitch-black cover my vision.
"Musa!....." Is all I hear before darkness takes up all my body.

Will the Trix finally win? You tell me!

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