Unexpected Turn

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Bloom POV

Bloom... Bloom... I hear a voice call for me but I see no one through the dark mist. I must be dreaming.
"Who are you?" I ask through the mist turning and turning hoping to see at least a sign or a figure but nothing not even a response. A cold bustling wind hit the back of my head, rapidly I shift my head to that direction. I then finally see a beautiful young woman with long silver hair, her ears pointy and her skin pale but a luminescent kind of glow came off of her. In awe I watch her as she makes a magic sphere.

"Princess Bloom of Domino your friends will each go through a final test before they can fully finish the journey." The woman looks up at me and in her hand I can see the book through her magic sphere laying on a rock. "We are challenging you fairies, once you pass your test you must destroy the book and no book of its kind shall ever be made to harm powerful fairies. Your enemies should discover your weaknesses and strengths through their own way. Not by a simple book." Bewildered, I slowly come close to her.

"I thought by getting our transformation we passed the test?" The woman curls her lip upwards gazing her eyes to me.

"That is only one part of your journey, do you know why this book is more sacred than the Believix and Sirenix books?" She asks me and I shake my head. The Sirenix book was sacred only because it cursed Daphne and was uncontrollable, or so I assumed. "This book not only contains your history, weaknesses, strengths, and biographies; it was made from the strong love you each have to your families and boyfriends. This book was created by magic, not by hand. Magic that was so pure of love, everyone knows love is the strongest magic in the universe... Those witches can take that power and use it against the magic universe."

"I will make sure we finish this strongly! Where do we start looking?" I lift my fist and feel my determination overcome my fears.

"Temple long lost of love..." with that she fades and the darkness joins me once again...

Musa POV

I burst right up from where I was asleep. I look around and immediately notice I'm in Riven's room, to be exact his bed. I feel my cheeks burn as I turn and see him sitting up slowly. Shirtless...

"Riven, I though I was on the chair of your living room." I managed to say without stammering. He smirks and moves his hair.

"Yes you were, I was reading a story of Melody in the living room but you passed out so I took the freedom to carry you here to my bed. I hope you don't mind." He kisses my cheek and turns to hang his legs off the edge of his bed and his back to me.

"I thought I would be sleeping at my fathers' home is all." I raise the sheet to cover my chest and rest my back against the head board, at least I put on comfortable clothes before I fell asleep on his arm chair.

"You can stay here with me if you like, I think this room is all too big for me anyway. You bring life to it." Before I could answer Riven my phone started to go off. I sigh and start to make my way to get it. "It kept going off earlier." He said and I gave him a confused look.

I look at my phone and see Bloom texted the group chat. "They all went back to Alfea. Bloom says they have a clue to find the book and that the Trix no longer have it." I look at Riven he has not moved, his elbows on his knees deep in thought as he kept his gaze out the window in front of him.

"You want to leave now?" He breaks the silence in the room.

"I must Riven. My friends need me." I say and I place my phone in my pocket. Hoping he will come with me to Alfea.

"I can arrange a ship to take you but I must stay, I have duties to attend to here." His voice sounded cold, almost distant. He finally stands up and faces me.

"Riven I need you to help us, the other specialists are there too." I walk up to him and place on hand on his cheek and the other on his bare chest. Riven could be very handsome no matter what time of day it is, his broad shoulders and sharp features always making me return to him. His mystery I never seemed to be able to fully unravel.

"I am sorry Musa, I can not. My parents made a schedule for me to follow ever since I told them I was arriving. I am the Heir to the throne, you would not understand. All you have is friendship." He pulls away from my grasp and walks to the window and leans against it. My heart feeling heavy. I dropped my hands to my side.

"What do you mean only friendship? You believe I'm that pathetic and alone in life?" I raise my voice. He did not flinch one bit. Riven sighs and looks at me. 

"It is too early to fight Muse." With that he walks out of the room. My eyes start to burn, could his royal life get in the way of us? I grab my things and get ready to depart back to Alfea.

Bloom explained her dream to me. That seemed too easy to do when we struggle so much to fight them. "So you're telling me the reason why that book is dangerous is because of how it  was made rather than the information it contains?" I ask as I sit down on our sofa. The specialists were all huddled around our dinning area. I try hard to not think of Riven, why the change of attitude all of the sudden? 

Tecna lifts one finger in the air, "For the clue I did more historical research rather than anything modern in the data base." We all look at her, eager for her to continue. "Aethena, goddes of love had temples but each were destroyed by the ancestral witches. But there is a theory stating that there is still one that has been untouched by life for hundreds of years." 

"Please tell me we won't be summoning the any witches for this quest." Aisha looks at us wide eyed. Tecna shakes her head.

"No, we just have to do research on all the temples that were of this goddess." Tecna stands up as Timmy approaches her, he wraps his arm around her waits and she lays her head on his shoulder. Watching them only made my heart ache, I just want love from Riven but why did it always seem so difficult to do? And now with his royal life and new title I fear it will only get worse

"Musa!" I snap back to reality, Brandon's voice made me jump a bit. "What is wrong girl? Did you and Riven fight again? Why did he not come too?" He asks. I stand up sighing,

"You could say that... I-I asked him to come but he made me feel awful, he said he had new responsibilities and that I would never understand since all I have is friends. But I will be fine, I will help you all research tomorrow on temples, I need a break from this just for a little." I walk into my room quickly, hoping they don't try to stop me.

I sit on my bed, trying to clear my mind but all it does is make my eyes burn from the tears that beg to escape my eyes. I wipe them away to only allow more tears to rush down my pink cheeks. Why did I assume Riven could change completely? He is my fiancé now but do I really want to deal with this cycle of hear break? 

"I'll give him time." I say to myself. He needs it after everything that is going on in our lives he is stressed and as am I. 

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