As you, Jim, Delbert and Arrow walked down the stairs, which led to the kitchen, Delbert exclaimed "That woman, that feline! Who does she think is working for whom!?"
"It's our map! And she's got us, bustin tables!?" Jim yelled
"Do not tolerate a word about our captain! There is no finer officer, in this, or any galaxy!" Arrow yelled, as you four looked at a silhouette, which looked like a weird creature. It was whistling a nice song while it was washing its hands.
"Mr. Silver!" Arrow yelled.
"Why Mr. Arrow sir! Bringing such fine, distinguished gents to brace my humble gally, had I known! I'd had tuck in me shirt!" The Cyborg said, as it wiped his hands with his apron
It smiled at you and Jim.
"A Cyborg" Jim said, quietly.
"May I introduce to you, Delbert Doppler, The financier of our voyage." Arrow said, as he pointed on Delbert
"Uh, good day sir! I am Dr. Delbert Doppler!" Delbert introduced his self, as he walked towards Silver.
"Love the outfit, doc!" Silver said, as he flashed his lazer through Delbert's suit.
"Why thank you! Love the eye!"
Delbert pushed you and Jim towards him as he said "These young children are (Y/N) (L/N) and Jim Hawkins!"
"Jimbo, (N/N)!" Silver exclaimed, as he let out his robot hand, full with sharp devices like knives and forks. As if, he wanted us to shake it, of course.
He quickly noticed it, and as soon as he did, he switched it into a more safer one. You know, without the knives and sharp objects and stuff.
Jim looked at him with a glare, as if, he didn't trust him. You didn't as well.
"Oh don't mistake this little device for somethin! They do come in mighty handy!"
He switched it to the one with sharp objects once again, then he chopped a shrimp looking sea creature, and made a stew for You, Jim and Delbert. As he finished making it, he got a laddle and got three bowls. He poured the stew in each bowl and gave it to you three.
"Here! Have a taste of me famous bonza-beast stew!" He exclaimed, as he left the three of you, looking at the stew.
Delbert took a sip on the weird looking, yet, good smelling stew.
"Mm! Delightfully tangy! Yet, robust!" He said, as he continued to eat.
"Thank you doctor! It's an old family recipe!" Silver said, as he continued to chop more of the shrimps.
Later, Delbert found a floating eyeball in the stew.
"Agh!" Delbert yelled, as he widened his eyes in shock.
"Hehe, in fact, that was part of the old family!" Silver said, as he grabbed the eyeball with his fingers and popped it in his mouth.
You and Jim looked at the stew, disgusted.
"Go on Jimbo, (N/N)! Have a sip!" Silver said, as he put his huge arms on you and Jim's shoulder.
Jim was about to take a sip, when suddenly, the spoon he was holding turned into a pink blob! It was really cute! The blob ate the stew in Jim's bowl and finished it! It circled around Jim's head and morphed into a miniature Jim.
It got off Jim's hand and went over to you. It morphed into you and you smiled. You couldn't help but pet it.
"Hello there!" You said, holding it in one of your hands.
It got off you and went to Silver.
"What is that thing?" Jim asked, while looking at Silver.
"Why, this little feller here is a Morph!" Silver replied, holding it in his hands.
"Excuse me, Mr. Silver, you will be in charge for these two kiddos here." Arrow interrupted.
Silver spit out the stew he was eating.
"What!? No!" Jim yelled, as he scratched his head
"But, Mr. Arrow--" Silver was cut of by Arrow, saying "No buts!!!"
Arrow went out of the room with Delbert, leaving you and Jim alone with Silver.
"So, the captain ordered me to take care of you two, ey?" Silver said, as he crossed his arms.
"Whatever..." Jim said, quietly.
Jim got a purp from a barrel and toss it in the air.
"You know, these purps looks a lot like the ones back home. On Montressor. You ever been there?" Jim said, as he took a bite of the purp.
"Can't say I have, Jimbo!" Silver replied, as he got a fruit and sliced it.
"Come to think of it, just before we left we met this old guy, who was uh... A salamander.. and, he was looking for a cyborg buddy..."
"A salamander, ey?" Silver said, in a low voice.
"Yeah, what was that old salamanders name again?" Jim said, as he put his hand on his forehead, pretending to forget the salamanders name.
"Oh, Bones... Billy Bones?" Jim looked at Silver.
"Bones? Bones??? Haven't met him yet. Ya know, there is a lot of cyborgs across the galaxy.." Silver said, as he put a pot filled with hot stew on the stove.
"Now, go watch the launch, kiddos! They'll be plenty of work waitin for y'all afterwards..." Silver said, as he wiped his hands with his apron.
You and Jim left the room, a moment later, you felt Jim's warm hands on your shoulder.
"Is it just me? Or is it that that cyborg is really the one Billy Bones was talking about?" He asked you.
"I'm not quite sure, Jim. We'll have to find out." You replied, blushing.

Venture Beyond the Stars (A Jim Hawkins X Reader Story)
AdventureAdventures are always worth looking forward to. We shouldn't miss an opportunity that's right in front of our eyes, waiting to be accomplished. What more can I say? I for one has experienced a journey that would change my life forever. And it's all...