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Ruby's Pov

I was sat on one of the bench that sat along the park that went through the middle of the busy Hyde Park, it was a nice morning for a November day and it seemed like everyone wanted to make a most of the English weather. Tatum was currently on his extended lead sniffing around, as my eyes were trained on one man in particular.

I had to talk myself out of bailing on him, I wasn't up for the bullshit he was probably going to tell me but I was too intrigued to hear why he has popped up out of the blue. Plus he did spend a lot of money at the gala for the 'date'. He spun around on his heels with a bag of chips in one hand which was uncomfortable smothered in ketchup with a 99p flake ice cream in the other that was decorated with the famous blue and red sauce from the ice cream van.

"You know this is where I took your mother on our first date?" He smiled as he handed my ice cream.

I gladly took it before I gave him a questioning look. "Really?"

He nodded. "Ofcourse she hated it, because she hates nature- but she had been in London for a month and hadn't really been out to see the city, we walked around for most of the day" he beamed.

My heart warmed slightly seeing how much joy he had reliving memories with her, it showed that he wasn't a complete arsehole that I painted him as.

"So that guy you were with at the Gala? Is he your boyfriend?" He smiled as he shoved two chips in his mouth. "Was he alright with me stealing you from him?"

I rolled my eyes at him playfully. "No he isn't my boyfriend"

"Oh come on Roo, don't play the 'we're just friends' card, you guys looked pretty smitten with eachother" he admitted as he shoved chips in his mouth.

I raised my brows up at him. "Is this you giving me father advice?" I questioned. "Don't you think it's a tad bit late for a father daughter day out at the park for w bonding session?"

I noticed how his body tensed up, his bright blue eyes looking a lot more glossy as he turned to look at me. "And there you go getting defensive again and putting up a guard"

"Yeah well that's what happens when the one person you need in your life just fucking bails on you" I mumbled.

"Bail on you? Roo I nev-"

I put my hand up and cut him off not wanting to hear it. "Stop fucking calling me that!" I snapped. "What do you want from us? Are you dying? Is that? You want to get everything in check before your days are over?" I questioned.

"No! Why do you think that the only reason I'm reaching out is because I want something? Damn it Ruby!" He spoke with his voice becoming horse. "I don't want to be the big bad wolf anymore! I love you and you're my daughter and I've missed enough already" he rambled.

I could tell her was nervous as his knee closer to me was bouncing up and down which was making me feel on edge.

"Th- The plan wasn't to leave you guys any longer than a month or two, I left to make sure I had everything in place for you guys to start again London" he spoke gently. "Your granddad was always against it, I mean he hated me from the beginning and I guess he didn't want the only two things that had a strong connection with Rose" he admitted.

I could feel my chest tighten as tears appeared in my eyes making my vision go blurry.

"I sent you guys letters every month and I sent you plane tickets in the half term to spend time with me, but they never gave them to you" he admitted.

"Bullshit and you know it! Why didn't you fight for us?"

He shrugged. "How could I fight against the Ratajkowski's?" He questioned. "The media had already made their opinions about me, saying I was a shit husband and father, they made a tangle of lies saying I was living a different life which steered her to kill herself"

I looked down as my thumb ran over my tattoo. "You should of put up a fight and show them they were wrong! Because where I am sitting you are a shit fucking father"

Before he could answer someone appeared stood inbetween us clearing their throat to gain our attentions. Dad was the first of the two of us to drop the intense stare off, I looked over to see a familiar face.

"Well isn't this a rare sight, my older brother with his little Roo bear" Jason smirked.

Jason is my dads little brother aka my uncle Jason, there was four years between them with a strong bond. They live by the quote 'blood is thicker than water', they had such similarities as each other, if you knew one you'd know the other. Jason was the more outgoing brother with a edgier style.

"It's Ruby" Dad whispered cautiously, probably scared that I'd bite his head off.

He was wearing a bright green beanie hat that was showing off his shaggy hair, he was wearing a bomber jacket with ripped jeans, with the parts of skin you could see was covered in tats. That was a major difference between the brothers Jason decorated himself with tattoos and steered clear from smoking and alcohol whereas 'Dad' was a baby about tattoos and was always drinking and hardly ever not seen with a smoke in his mouth. Which is probably why I loved being around Aidan.

"Don't I get a cuddle!" He smirked.

I stood up slowly and instantly got crushed by him, with my body melting into his enjoying the hug. He pulled away with both hands on my cheek as his eyes roamed over me face.

"God don't you have good genes!" He smirked.

"Alright let her go" Dad grumbled.

I was sat in the middle of the two as they were talking about something, but the truth was I wasn't really paying too much attention. I felt sick to my stomach as what my dad just said to me was going around and around in my head. Could my grandparents really do that? Could they really make us hate him for no reason at all?

I felt myself stood up slowly which finally made Jason quiet for the first time since he arrived, I mumbled I had to go with Dad instantly jumping up insisting that he'd walk me back but I declined his offer and had already started walking off leaving them alone.

I made a beeline straight to Nan's place to hopefully try and find some evidence that he was in fact telling the truth. Even though I wasn't even sure whether I should be believing him or not.

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