Chapter 3

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It felt as if it was both a nightmare and a good dream at the same time, which was very confusing since the dream was terrifying.

The beginning of the dream was creepy. She was standing in the middle of the quiet little cemetery and it was nighttime. The fog was rolling in over the graveyard giving it an eerie look. The full moon could be seen through the gnarly trees that were all over the graveyard. They looked as dead as the people buried there.

Standing there, hyperventilating from the strange feeling of dread that started overwhelming her, Cecilia heard a low sound behind her. It sounded more like a growl than anything else.

She didn't even get the chance to turn around before sharp pain went through her neck.

Frightened, she gasped for air, but as soon as she did, she was overwhelmed with a paralyzing fear that left her incapable of doing anything.

Two sharp pangs made her realize that there were razor-sharp things in her neck. Soon, she could feel the soft lips, and she realized that the sharp things were teeth.

Strong, pale arms held her still, as the man standing behind her lapped up her blood with eagerness. Even without seeing him, she knew it was a man since it was one of those dream moments when you knew something was true although you had no proof.

There they were, standing under the full moon. He was greedily drinking her blood and she was scared out of her mind, but at the same time fascinated by the fact that there were vampires in the graveyard.

The only thing he was thinking about was how incredibly delicious her blood was, more so than any he had tasted before. He wanted more, he always wanted more. Sweet, sweet blood, and such gentle, easily-pierced skin, a perfect combination. He kept sucking the precious liquid, unable to stop himself, not wanting to.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound like two rocks hitting against each other and the pain in her neck was gone. She was standing alone, with a few drops of her blood dripping on the dead grass.

As her eyes adjusted, she could see two blurring figures that seemed humanoid, moving around at a neck-breaking speed. They were fighting, but she wasn't sure why. Abruptly, they stopped, and the one who sucked her blood spoke up.

"Fine, I'll share, but only this time." He said.

After that, she had a feeling it wasn't only one person there although she couldn't see. The one she could see, the one who started the horrible ordeal, in the first place, had a wild look in his eyes.

He bit her so hard that she screamed from the horrible pain. As he finally raised his head, his face was covered in her blood and his eyes were bright red. The face she saw was senseless and terrifying to look at, but it was also incredibly beautiful.

It was the face of the police officer she met. Weak from the immense blood loss, she became very sleepy as with every passing minute her blood was drained much faster than before.

That was when she woke up covered in sweat.

Tired and groggy, she went back to sleep thinking it was all just a terrifying dream. Just before falling asleep, she thought she could feel cold hands keeping her close to the freezing body next to her. Pain shot through her neck before she went back to sleep, but she thought it was just a very realistic leftover from her horrifying nightmare.

When she woke up in the morning, she felt exhausted and the eye bags under her eyes were witnesses to the difficult night she had. She didn't feel like she had any sleep, although she knew she slept through the night.

As if that wasn't enough, she had a terrible headache that got worse when she removed the curtains and let the sunlight in.

While washing her face, she saw her reflection in the mirror and was surprised by what she saw. Her skin was so unnaturally pale and the eye bags were more prominent than they had ever been. Even though that was the case, her eyes seemed more alive than she had ever seen them before.

That was when she noticed two small red marks on her neck.

"Ah those mosquitoes are just terrible!" she thought and went on with her day.

At one point during the day, she thought: "Haha, these look exactly like vampire bites."

However, the conscious part of her mind refused to dwell on it, seeing it only as a funny coincidence.

The next two nights in a row she was awoken by similar nightmares, but she never remembered them in the morning.

On the third night, she was sitting at home watching a horror movie. Suddenly, during the scariest scene of the movie, there was a power outage. She couldn't help but scream since she was so immersed in the movie. Then she laughed nervously and went to the other room to look for some matches and candles.

She didn't see a pair of red eyes watching her through the nearby window.

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