Chapter 41

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The feeling that everything would be okay didn't last long, and soon enough, worry started worming its way into her no longer beating heart. As often happened to her while she was human, she started thinking about all her problems at the same time, which for her human mind was overwhelming but now that she was a vampire she could just barely control.

The thing was that although her brain's capacity had increased immensely, so did her problems, fears, and worries.

Consumed as she was by her transformation and revenge, she couldn't help but feel guilty that she didn't even give a second thought to her family, small as it was, and how they would deal with her disappearance. The same was true for the small number of friends she did have.

She was so self-consumed that she failed to put herself in their shoes. Now the guilt of it all started gnawing at her. The amount of guilt she felt started expanding like a balloon to a size that was close to bursting.

Cecilia was feeling guilty for the rabbit she murdered, for the man she slaughtered. She even started feeling some guilt for killing Stanton's minions because it occurred to her that some of them might have been by his side only because they feared him.

From the moment she turned, she expected to be a monster, to lack emotions, and to exist without any of those feelings that humans were bound by. It was awful for her to realize that not only wasn't that true, but her emotions were heightened, even some of those more humane ones, which didn't seem to be the case with all the vampires.

"Why couldn't I just be the bloodthirsty murderer with no conscience? That would have been so much easier," she thought to herself.

Her human life wasn't the best, but she still missed it. She missed being able to just wrap her favorite blanket around her and watch her favorite show.

Even though her family barely acknowledge her most of the time, she still missed them and the normality of it all. Most of all, she missed a few friends that she had, just because it was something she was used to. There was safety in familiarity and stranded on a haunted island, full of unfamiliar and strange things, she craved that more than anything else.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asked.

His voice helped her refocus her attention, and once again, lock up all those emotions that she wasn't ready to deal with in a box to open up in lonely nights when she couldn't sleep like she did since she became a vampire.

"I am fine. Just trying to process everything," she said.

"Yeah, even with how fast our minds work that must be a challenge," he said with a soft smile on his lips.

He still couldn't believe that she accepted him for who he was, that she was there with him, on a haunted island when it was clear to everyone that she didn't want to be there. In his heart, he knew that she was there for him because he trusted Helen's judgment. Although she could have gone anywhere, she decided to stay by his side.

There was a sound of creepy cawing that made Cecilia turn around so fast that had she been human would have probably broken her neck. She tried to compose herself as quickly as possible, but the flash of fear in her eyes was obvious to Tobias.

Cecilia was embarrassed by the fact, because as a vampire she wasn't supposed to feel fear, after all, they were the fiercest and most powerful predators, what did they have to fear? Yet, she was afraid.

"Shush, it's okay. I am here." Tobias said.

He took her hand in his and squeezed gently in reassurance. Since that seemed to make her a bit more at ease, he lowered his lips to her hand and gently kissed it, like an old-fashioned gentleman in a fairy tale world.

His cold but soft lips connected with her skin and an electrifying sensation spread through her whole body, both soothing and exciting her senses. Soothing one type of senses, exciting others.

As his lips disconnected from her skin, she sighed a breath of relief because she wasn't sure what to think of the wave of sensations that simple action had caused all through her dead body which, at that moment, felt more alive than ever.

"You have nothing to worry about. We are vampires, after all." Tobias said.

An angelic smile spread across his vampiric face, and she couldn't help but return the smile, feeling a sense of relief that he was there, by her side, and that he always would be. As a friend or something more, she wasn't sure yet, but she was sure that he would stand by her for eternity.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to let you know I will head out to check the food supply in the area," Helen said, suddenly appearing next to them.

"You mean, people are living on the most haunted island in the world?" Cecilia asked.

The pure shock was noticeable on her pale face, as she tried to figure out why anyone would CHOOSE to live there.

"Of course there are. People are living everywhere. You have to understand that not all people are superstitious, and most importantly, they are not all afraid of these types of places. Some people love places with dark energy such as this one. The fact that it is haunted is the reason that some of them are here." Helen said matter-of-factly.

Although she loved vampires and horror movies when she was alive, Cecilia couldn't imagine ever wanting to live in a place that, had she been human, would most definitely give her the creeps.

"Alright, Helen, you do that, and we will try to make this place a little more livable," Tobias said.

Although Helen could remember Tobias and her living in far worse places without any problems, neither of them ever complaining or fixing it up, she didn't say anything. It was clear that he was trying to make the place more comfortable for Cecilia, who even after all the time she had been a vampire, oftentimes acted more like a human than anything else.

As Helen left to scout the area, Tobias and Cecilia, started using their vampire speed to clear out the debris and to prepare makeshift beds. It was a relief for Cecilia to be able to do something, to help out in some way, since she was the reason they were in all that trouble in the first place.

As they were busy rearranging the place, Tobias was the first one to smell trouble and experienced as he was, he could immediately tell that there was a group of humans approaching them stealthily, or at least they thought they were being sneaky.

Tobias didn't want to hurt any humans, especially now that they were on the run and had to keep a low profile. However, he knew that angry humans could be very dangerous, even for vampires.

"We have company," he whispered to Cecilia.

Finally, she was able to sense what he was talking about, and there was an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wished from the bottom of her heart that Tobias had a plan or that Helen would be back soon because she was afraid of what she might do to the poor humans who had no idea who they would be facing against.

They were clearly in the mood for a fight, and the question remained if the conflict could be avoided when their minds were already set.

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