MRAM #4 Another Goodbye Letter

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Dear Journal,

This another goodbye letter for you. I just really can't help myself writing this.

Dear ****,

Just hearing your name trigger me.How can I escape this?I've been trying since the day I left that province.But,why does it looks like your hunting me down.Even if your miles away why do I feel like your just around.I'm not sure about everything but I'm totally sure about my feelings towards you.If I can still erase this feeling I'll do it.I will do it even if it means breaking my heart.Its not yet that deep so this would be much easier but it would be take a lot of time for it is a very long process to get you out of my system but I'll do it.I'll succeed on this.I'll survive.l'm willing to accept the pain.It'll be okay if you won't know about this damn feeling.Just promise me that when I start this operation you will be happy.Promise me and I'll do the rest.After I greet you happy birthday I'll cut all my connection with you.I just know that this is the right thing to do,to get rid of this feelings.I love you but It would be a goodbye now.Please be happy.I LOVE YOU.GOODBYE



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