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James and Arek moved among the people, supporting and attempting to calm them. There were a lot of injuries, and even more deaths. When I saw the line of bodies, it broke my heart.

James had his hands full for the rest of the day. I could tell by the tightness in his shoulders and his pressed lips that he was very angry. I could understand why, but I wasn't sure what to do. I helped as best I could, but I got a lot of unhappy looks from many people. They seemed as though they were angry at me.

"Merun, go back to my hut," James said finally, speaking in my language. "I don't think it's good for you to be here right now."

"Okay," I whispered, sadness clouding my heart.

I knew why James was sending me away, but I was still sad. These people were hurt by my father's men. Many had died for no reason. I wouldn't be letting this slide.

Late into the evening, music once again poured throughout the village. I understood now why the people mourned, their solemn voices radiating through the cool night air. James gave another speech, then proceeded to bring me food. He seemed to have aged, his eyes sunken in and his face tired. He sighed as he sat on the floor across from me, offering me some food.

"Have you eaten?" I asked in his native tongue, raising my eyebrows as I took it from him.

He didn't reply, instead just rubbing his forehead. After a long time, he softly explained, "Men, women, children, they didn't care who they cut down. We lost so many."

I watched him silently, his expression causing a hole to open up in my chest.

"There aren't enough hunters to feed those that are left, not enough warriors to defend them," he shook his head, "We will most likely have to go join the Arione tribe to the north."

I blinked in surprise, "Join another tribe? But what about this one?"

"We won't be able to survive on our own," James sighed, closing his eyes.

I processed this. My father's men had done this to them. How could they?

"You have to leave in the morning. What remains of the counsel has all agreed to this," James informed me. He shook his head, "They don't like what has happened, and many of them blame you."

I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose. I understood why they felt that way, but I was still upset.

James scooted next to me and put an arm around my shoulders, leaning his hand against my neck. I sighed and relaxed against him, wishing all of this could just go away. Not for the first time, I thought of the possibility of him and I together. I quickly brushed it away, though. He and I were worlds apart, not to mention we both had obligations literally with an ocean between them.

I opened my eyes and pressed my forehead against his, like I had seen him do with Arek a few times. "I know I'm leaving, but I won't ever forget you and your kindness," I told him softly.

"I wish you didn't have to leave," he murmured in response, his eyebrows furrowing. "I have enjoyed having you at my side all this time. It will be lonely without you."

"I have to find Airum," I sighed, shaking my head.

He nodded, pulling away, "I know. We each have our separate duties."

"Will I ever see you again?" I couldn't help but ask. Some part of me was breaking at the thought of never being able to see him again.

He shrugged, his own face downcast, "I'm not sure. I have no way to reach you once you leave."

"I will come back for you," I decided suddenly, "I will come back after Airum is king, and I will find you."

He smiled faintly, "Really?"

"Yes, really." I nodded resolutely. I wouldn't just lie down and do as my father wished anymore. I wasn't his puppet.

James smiled broadly and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me close, holding me tight against his body. I closed my eyes, succumbing to the comfort of his embrace.


James and I fell asleep on his bed, conversing with our arms draped around one another. He woke before dawn, rousing me from sleep.

"It is time," he whispered softly in my own language.

I didn't have many belongings to gather. Save my book and the clothes on my back, I had nothing. I turned to James, our gazes locked.

He didn't say anything, only selected one of the beaded necklaces from around his neck and placed it around my own neck. "So you will not forget your promise to me."

I felt my eyes watering as I touched the necklace gingerly. As if I could ever forget the commitment I had made the night before. I would come back for him, whether my father condoned it or not.

Besides, if I couldn't find Airum, I didn't have another option. I would be the disgraced prince without a crown. At least here I was welcomed and cared for.


The sand stretched for miles, broken only by the waves and the large dinghy moored on the shore. Floating in the waves a way off was a large ship. James walked with me, Arek and two other men behind us. Along the shore stood several soldiers, awaiting my arrival.

"When you return, me and my people will have migrated north," James explained softly in my own language. "You will find me there."

I nodded in response, wishing we didn't have to part.

He and I approached the soldiers, leaving Arek and the others a few paces behind. One of the soldiers stepped forwards, eyeing the warriors warily, "Ready, Your Highness?"

I turned to James, sighing softly, "I guess this is it."

"I guess it is," he responded quietly. "Be safe."

"You also," I smiled faintly.

The soldiers were still giving looks to the warriors behind us, their hands on their swords. Arek growled softly, his grip tightening on the spear at his side. I ignored them and looked deep into James's big brown eyes, wishing we were anywhere but here. It would have been nice to give him a proper goodbye, away from prying eyes. Even so, James reached out to pull me into an embrace. Even so, when he did one of the soldiers drew his sword and pointed it at James's chest.

"Back off, savage," the soldier snapped.

Instantly, each of the warriors had raised their spears, pointing them at the soldiers.

"Hey!" I hollered, my eyes widening, "Everyone lower your weapons!"

Arek's eyes flicked to his Chief, awaiting his command. James only nodded, and the warriors each lowered their spears. The soldiers lowered their swords as well, but didn't put them away. One stepped forwards, roughly grabbing my wrist and yanking me back. "Ow! Let me go!"

James took a step forwards, his hand already going to the knife at his side. But that just caused the sword to end up back at his throat.

"Get out of here, savages," the soldier growled.

"Don't lay a hand on Merun," James snarled back.

Arek's eyes were wide, his shoulders tense. He warned, "Chief..."

James took a step back, yielding to the soldiers. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Goodbye, Merun," James said softly.

The soldier pushed me towards the dinghy. I sat down in the small boat, waving to my friend, "Bye, James!"

As the small boat rowed into the waves, I watched James and his men retreat back into the treeline. I was already counting the seconds until we would once again be reunited.

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