Fable ref

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Might touch up her design

Voice:  Disney Ariel (may change later)

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Voice:  Disney Ariel (may change later)

Name: Fable

Personality: flirty, suave, spoiled, loves attention, can come off as vain or rude, can be nice

Species: anthro fox husky hybrid

Age: 23

Family: Fantasia: Mother, Strawberry Blonde: cousin, Jamie Walden: cousin, Zoey Walden: Adopted cousin, Clarissa: cousin, Clarissa's Kids: Younger cousins, Fabian: Uncle

Appearance: pale orange-y yellow fur on chest/stomach/behind/face/tail/hands/feet areas, pinkish purple fur, purple on hair/tail tip, yellow and black eyes, black on forearms and legs, torn ear, 3 black earrings, red charm necklace, curly tail

Powers/Abilities: excellent hearing and smell, can dance very well, has very good conning skills

Bonus: Fable is the only child to Fabian's 'loose' sister and takes after her bad habits very much.

Fantasia is genuinely a nice person, but a terrible parent. Being a member of the party group called the Sparkle Dawgs, she was prone to bad habits such as drinking, drugs, and all together a bad rolemodel. While both her and Fabian were wild children, she never tamed the wild side like her brother. It was after one of these parties that a hung over Fantasia had to be picked up by her brother Fabian. With much scolding and yelling. She spent a few days at his place and spent them throwing up randomly, and not feeling good. Fabian worried for his sister, forced her to go to the doctor where they learnt that the illness was caused by her bad habits hurting her baby. Fantasia instantly regretted not stopping herself from drinking so much and unfortunately never knew who the father was.

It was hard for her during the next few months. Fabian took it upon himself to make sure his sister didn't do anything else to potentially harm the child. Though it did cause a lot of fights between them. When Fable was born, the first thing her mother did was throw a party to celebrate the newborn, but got drunk at the party. Fabian was getting tired of his sister's recklessness and threatened to take away the baby if she didn't straighten out.........Which she didn't and instead took the baby and moved to the not so nice parts of the city where she continued her lifestyle and work as a.......'female entertainer' for the local......'gentleman's club'.

Because of her bad habits, Fable grew up in a potentionally dangerous eviornment. It was a miracle her mother's work didn't affect her, but her mother's personality and bad habits did. She dropped out of school and is spoiled and loves attention since her mother usually showered her with anything she wanted. Though she did straighten out a bit thanks to her Uncle, who took her in in her teen years. She does crave attention to make up for the neglect her mother gave her and has toned down her bad habits. Though her ways of conning some people and so forth are still being worked out.

Thanks to her younger cousin, Strawberry Blonde, she was able to get a job at Adorewinn's popular Romance store as one of the promotors. She'll always be thankful to her for that. She gets along well with her cousins, especially Strawberry and Uncle Fabian. Zoey, Jamie, and Clarissa are ok, but they don't seem to know the hardships she went through like Strawberry does. Secretly she performs two nights a week at the stripe club to get some extra cash, but is on good terms with the owner.

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