Alexander, Marilyn, And Christina Ref

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(Marilyn's new look is above and Alexander's dragon form is the one below with feathers

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(Marilyn's new look is above and Alexander's dragon form is the one below with feathers.)


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Name: Alexander Foxer, Marilyn Foxor, Christina Foxor

Personality: Alex: basically a mini Marx but more skittish, Marilyn: Dare devil, the boldest and most wild of the group, Christina: Spoiled and drama mama, diva

Species: Alex: Dragon shapeshifter, Marilyn And Christina: anthro foxes

Age: 13

Family: Odette Foxor: Grandmother, Philip: Grandfather, Hatchet/Fitch/Malcom/: Uncles, Mavric/Miracle/Cappuccino/Crimson: cousins, Marx: Father, Juliet Foxor: Mother, Missk/Carrie/Eve: Aunts, Mocha Latte: Adopted Grandmother

Powers/Abilities: Alexander:Can't breath fire but can transform into a dragon and has a sixth sense to help him detect danger, Marilyn: only one of the triplets than can breath fire like their dad, good smell and hearing, Christina: great smell and hearing

Appearance: All have Marx's eyes. Alexander: (all the yellow parts on him are supposed to be white sorry), grey skin, blue n white hair and tail with feathers on tail, usually wears mini suit, Marilyn: long blue n yellow hair n tail, plain dresses, has butterflies on hair from Marx's bow-like features, Christina: Blue bangs with black hair n tail, usually wears bowties and designer dresses

Bonus: Takes place after the books, Juliet has a set of three healthy triplets and Marx names them after famous human singers. The relationship with most of their family is ok. The triplets barely have any relationship with their Uncle Fitch and no relationship at all with their bio grandparents. Their favorite Uncle is Hatchet as he always loves to play and Uncle Malcom who they see all the time at school and helps Alexander fly. Their parents relationships are explained below, but over all they have a decent relationship with the rest of their extended family.

Alexander Marx Foxor- Oldest of the triplets about 10 minutes, and the only full dragon out of the three. His full dragon form has feathers instead due to his angelic genes from his mother. He's a miniature version of his father. Skittish, loud mouthed, and stubborn to boot. But with a much more skittish side. While he doesn't have any angelic powers known, he has a strong sixth sense that helps him sense danger. Though being the oldest, he's the biggest drama queen and his sister's antics don't really help this. He's deathly afraid of Mr. Castello and his family but close to his cousin Crimson. Tries to impress Marx a lot by writing play scripts that usually just end up sounding like bad fanfiction.

Christina Foxor- The middle triplet and the brains of the bunch. While her attitude and more outgoing nature might not seem like it, Christy is a major bookworm and smart for a girl her age. Often can be found lazing around her home or out biking with friends, Christy is a shapeshifter like her brother and father but changes into a fox. She loves to push her 'older' brother's and 'baby' sister's buttons, but will stop the minute her father turns to her. Despite her teasing ways, she's protective of her drama queen siblings and will fight tooth and claw to protect them.

Marilyn Foxor- The youngest of the bunch and the second drama queen. Not as big as Alex, but still a big one. Dirt. Girly squeals. No rough housing. The works. But she is skilled at lying and manipulating she got from Marx, but Marx and Juliet aren't having non of it. Bubbly and energetic, Mary is the most open of the siblings and often tries to get her papa to lighten up a bit and join her at the spa. Yeah. Marx passes but enjoys her thoughts. She often comes off as prissy, spoiled, and sometimes rude because of her girly girl tendencies, but she's a pretty decent girl. While she can't shape shift like her older siblings, she can breath fire which they can't do, but her fire is a more purple-blue than reddish orange.

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