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Hannah's POV

Where am I?

I ask myself as I walk around the empty streets of New York. I've never been in this part of town.

"Hey!" Someone calls out and I turn my head in the direction the voice came from.

"What are you doing out here all alone, babe?" I notice the person is walking toward me, not a big deal though. Many guys around here are creeps.

I turn and start walking away but the man starts to chase me.

I sprint as fast as my legs will carry me, and before I know it I am running out into the middle of a street.

Suddenly a pain shoots through my side and I get launched into the air, then hitting the hard pavement.

A burning, searing sensation flows throughout my body as I lay in pain.

"Oh my god!" I hear a distant voice call out.

I try to move, but I can't.

I try to scream, but I can't.

But what I can do is just lay on this street, while I feel like I am dying.

A figure appears in front of me, speaking, but I can't hear them that well.

"Ma'am? Can you hear me?" They say.

I look over to them with my eyes and they sigh.

"Alright bro, she's alive, let's go before a cop shows up."

A wave of panic comes over me.

What?! They can't leave! I need help!

I try to use my voice, which fails me, as nothing comes out.

At night, since we are close to the water, it gets pretty cold out here in Manhattan.  Which explains why all of my pain is now numbed.

I won't lie, though.  Even if my body is numbed a bit, the pain is still unbearable.  I'm also very confused as to why I cannot move nor speak.  Could it be that I am in shock, making these simple actions impossible?

All I really know, is that it has been a while since the people left me here.  But soon enough, I hear a car driving toward me, but it stops as the driver must've realised a person was lying on the street.

I hear their shoes pounding against the concrete as they run over to me.

"Yeah, I'm going to need an ambulance at 5th and Seker Street." 

A man with curly hair comes over to me, and soon I realize he is a cop.  Normally, I would rather kill myself than face the police, but now, as I lie here in extreme pain, I don't care who helps me.

"Miss, are you okay? Can you hear me?" the officer asks in a quiet, worried voice.

I look at him and he has a faint smile on his lips as he realizes I am responding, well, trying to respond.

"An ambulance is on the way, okay?  I'll stay here with you until it arrives."

Off in the distance sirens are blaring and I take that as a sign that the paramedics are almost to where I am at.

I see that I am correct as an ambulance pulls up next to me and a few people hop out with equipment.

"Officer Styles, wow, this is worse than I thought." I hear a female voice speak to who I am pretty damn sure is the cop.

I let the medics do what they need to do as I try to make out what the woman and "Officer Styles" are saying.

"Did you see any suspects when you got here?"

"No, I was actually on my way back to the station when I saw her on the ground. No car or person was around." Officer Styles says.

Then I hear something I wish I had not heard.

"She's lost a lot of blood, Officer.  We aren't very sure if she'll make it or not.  We know that you get attached to people you save, so just....Be prepared, alright?"

"Yeah, I know that Daniella.  Just try to do whatever you can to keep her alive, she looks very young.  No one should have to die that early in their life..." He sighs out and the paramedic, Daniella, walks back over to the vehicle and gets into it.

I now realize that we are in the ambulance and I am on a gurnee with 2 people on each side of me hooking things up to machines and stabbing things into my arms.

But I believe that I will be alright. 

And I hope that I can get away with being in the hospital without anyone noticing that I do not have a family or a place to live.

Most of all, I wish I could wipe that sad look off of Officer Styles' face as he looks like I am dying right in front of him.

Well, I guess I am. That is what the doctors are saying.

And right as the doctors are shutting the doors to this van I hear myself call out before I even realize I'm saying anything.

"I want Officer Styles to stay with me!"


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~ Paige

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2014 ⏰

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