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Error pov.

Shit I almost yelled out in my void. If I can't have Blue to myself then nobody can. I slowly started to plan on how I was going to get rid of US papyrus. And voila! I'll simply steal what I want and then nobody can fucking stop me .

Blue pov.

So can you believe this! I've had this odd feeling lately and I haven't liked it too much. Error has been coming to my au way more often then he usually did in the past....what? 3...4...months? I sorta like that he's been doing that too.
"Shit! Error what the hell!?" 
  I'm just here for you. ..and you only....

Error pov.

I teleport us back to anti-void and string blue up." Listen, I'm sorry blue but, I need you and....and you are gonna help me!"
Help you with what Error?"
"You're fucking joking right!?" I'm not Joking.

"Well ya leave me no choice blue, but to show you what I mean...."
I rip off blue's battle body and he starts to squirm like a mouse. It almost makes me feel....bad. With that desperate look in his eyes, and has perfectly small body and.... his dick? It's hard and erect.... does he want me to...nah he's too innocent anyways. Or is he?

Blue's pov.

I just realized that I needed Error just a such as he needed me. I felt like if I told him anything earlier on this would wouldn't have happened. I should have....wait..I can now.
"Error.? I-i just wanted to say tha- " can't breath..he's ....kissing me? And ahh...Aghhh....shit. I moaned in front of him. "I-im sorry. I wanted to say that I have liked you as more than a friend for the longest of time and just couldn't tell you because...well..I thought that you didn't"

Error looked so shocked to the point where I thought that I broke him...if that's possible.
He roughly kissed me and the most I could even do was kiss back and moan slightly to his touch. He pumped my dick so slowly I thought that I was gonna be driven to insanity. He let his strings drop and told me to get on my knees. I simply obeyed.

Error's pov.

I just stared as blue submissively got on his knees and stared at me with his irises turning to hearts. "I..I need you error." He gave me a gentle smile then started to remove my pants. WTF blue!?
He didn't even bother to look up at me. He took my dick out and ran his cyan ecto tounge up my shaft, and I let out a broken, but shaky moan. His smile widened and kept teasing at me. Sorry blue but...WHO SAID YOU WERE THE ONE IN CONTROL?
I pushed him onto his back and saw that he changed for me. heh. How typical of him. He started to beg for me to touch him,  or fuck him or anything that would cause pleasure at this point 
" please what "
"Please, don't just sit on me and
stare....make me cum for you..I need you.."  If I'm being honest I sorta like to hear Blue beg like almost makes me want to slam into him right now..but..

Blue's pov.
Ya know if you really want me, then beg for my cock in you . Make me lose it blue.
I shuddered as he said this and it made my soul glow brighter and I begged like I meant it."Please error,I want your dick, slamming into me until I scream, and I need your cum to go all over me and into me. Please..master?"
I saw error's eyes turn softer and his cock went harder. I guess that he has a master kink. Well that's good cuz I've got a thing for being called slave."

Error pov.

Did he me...master? He's also smiling at me (he's giggling too).
Well then, my little slave, let's have a bit of fun.
I slowly rubbed the tip of my dick against his vag and heard him whimper and moan. Then after a few seconds of doing this, I shoved the first few inches of my 7 inch dick into him...I groaned as quietly as I could and blue let out a couple shaky breaths as I saw tears forming in his eyes. I never thought that I would care this much about another person like this...I didn't realize that I was in a daze and blue flipped me over just as I started to get back to reality. He rode on me for at least 20 minutes, rolling his hips, hitting certain over pleasurable spots, slamming onto me all while trying to not be so loud and moaning master. He came once on my dick, which drove me insane. I got strings to hold him down and I slammed into him at an almost in human pace. He screamed and the most that I could do was whisper:
aww.. is my little slave *grunts* enjoying this?
Blue tried to look at me with his pleasure filled eyes and saw that I was being a bit over cruel. He begged me to stop since he just came, but.....that just turned me on even further.

Blue's pov.

I became a moaning, sweating mess, which not only made error want to thurst faster than he a lead was but he also got harder. "E-error I'm going to cum, please i-" got cut off by him and I moaning so loud that the whole anti-void will echo that noise for at least few days. Something to cherish. He pulled out and kissed me.

I love you blue, I have for resets upon resets.
"I love you too error, and always will."

                         -@360game GURL🖤💙

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