Horror x reader pt 2

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Horror pov.
She was so damn cute as she let out mewls and gasps as I played around with her breasts, and as I moved down to her soaked core she slightly trembled.

Your pov.

He looked up at me with a questioning  look wondering if he could continue. As I nodded, he slipped off my (f/c) panties, breathing in the scent that I omitted.
"You smell divine my baby~"
As he said this I took in a sharp breath, hearing the words he said.
I wound up letting out a long, and strained moan due to Horror slowly and painfully licking up my soaked sweet spot.  He then proceeded to suck and  lick my clit as he gently fingered me with two fingers.
With every suck, lick, and thrust of his fingers, I got closer and closer to cumming, and he noticed. Just when I was on the verge of cumming he slowly licked up my clit and slowly took out his fingers. My breath was shaky, and I was panting a bit too much. Horror stared at me, with pure hunger, and lust raging through his eyes.

"Well, well, my little girl. You taste so good...sweet almost. You were so tight around my fingers, you think you can handle my cock pounding into you?"
I shakily shook my head and looked away from his face. As I did that, I felt his hot, damp breath against my neck. His sharp teeth were pressed against my neck, as he whispered..

"Do you like it when I tease you like this? When I rub on your clit like this?"

He said this as he slowly began to rub me in circles. It was almost painful how slow he was going...and that was when I lost myself.

"Please dont just leave me like this..please stop teasing...please I want you to do something!"

I nearly screamed at this point. He stopped all movements and sat up. He chuckled dark and pulled his axe over from where it was placed a few feet away.

"I was really hoping you wouldn't do anything stupid, but here we are.."

He quickly brought the axe up to my neck pressing hard enough to make a half inch cut. I let out silent tears as he did this. He then moved his axe and threw it somewhere in the room, to which I heard it hit a wall. Blood began to seep out if the newly made cut, and horror watched as it did. He leaned over me once again and began to roughly suck on the cut, causing more blood to pour out. He drank it as if it was he did so every day.
I began to moan once again when the blood stopped flowing, and when he got up once again.

"So, is my little girl going to listen now?"
I nodded and tried to look at him without crying too much. He smiled a more kind smile, then pulled the hem of his shorts down, just enough so that it was around mid thigh for him. His cock sprung free from it's cloth prison, standing tall at seven inches, with a girth that could make anyone shiver. I looked up at him with pleading eyes, begging for him to do something other than just stare down at me with those hungry eyes.

"M-master...please fuck me...please I need it so bad..."

He chuckled at me, leaned down, and placed a single careful kiss on my mouth then held onto my shoulders and thrusted his whole length into my pulsing, trembling core. I screamed out in pain since I never done this with anyone before. He slowly thrusted in and out of me as we both felt a warm liquid flow out of me. I hadn't cum yet so when I looked down, I gasped. I was bleeding so much that it began to stain the sheets under us. But when I finally noticed that I was overtaken in pleasure.  I began to moan in ecstasy as he slowly thrusted into my soaked core.
"Yes my dear?"
"Please more...I need more of you please..."
"As you wish~"

And with that he began to mercilessly fuck me. Within a few seconds of his change of pace he bit down on my collarbone, making me sream in pain and unimaginable pleasure. I was a masochist at this point.

I kept slurring out random words along with the occasional yelp saying his name, no longer referring to him as master. Horror seemed to enjoy that I didnt call him master.

A few minutes of him thrusting into my abused, tight, cunt I felt him hit a spot deep in my pussy. I immediately wound up screaming my orgasm, clenching down on him so tight that it made him cum as well.

We waited silently, with a few pants here and there, as he collapsed on top of me. I gave him a weak, teary eyed smile as he looked up at me and placed a small kiss on my cheek.
We both giggled at this.

After that, he picked me up and took me to the bathroom,which was honestly the cleanest place in this house I guess. He washed me off in the tub while continuously apologizing,  saying he didnt  mean to do what he did. I looked at him with big eyes, and simply said :

"I care about you. And I can't say I love you just yet, since I dont know anything much about you. I'm sorry, but my soul has a rush when I'm with you...so, yea."

Writer pov.

The boy above you looked at you with disbelief in his eyes. He shuddered and looked away while blushing.

"K-kid, if your soul had a rush go through it, that means you've found your soul mate...."

He said this to you in such a way that your soul felt that rush again. You smiled while lightly blushing.
"Well, if that's what my is racing about, then that makes you my...soulmate?"
You looked up at the skeleton again, only to see his shirtless form, smiling down at you, with his soul brightly beating inside his ribcage.

"Y-yea. I guess that does kiddo..."

You smiled at him as he got you a towel and then wrapped you up like a burrito.

That is how you meet your boyfriend of five years.

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