Horror x reader

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                   your pov

                     You woke up in a completely different place from where you were knocked out. You were now in a cold, dimly lit room in which smells like blood, and fear.
You tried to get up but realized  that you were bound to a...bed? That didn't matter right now. As you were lost in your thoughts, a 5 foot 7 skeleton walked into the room. He had a rather disturbing look on his face. He looked as if he was going to slice you head off clean and... you didn't know what he would do if not that. Other than that, he had a few blood stains on his faded out sky blue hoodie. And he had his top left of his skull terribly cracked. He was simply a horror to look at.

                  Horror pov

I've been in a heat for at least two weeks now and it's KILLING me.  And somehow by a fucking miracle, this hotass cutie happened to be near my post today. So knowin me, instinctively,  i knocked her out with my axe. Welp, at least being a sadistic bitch means that hurting her does not affect me. Welp, might as well check to see if she's awake.  I can't stop thinking about her either. " So, toots, let's make this....QUICK." She shuddered as i said this as i pinned her to my bed. She was ruthless  when it came to the kicks and punches that she attempted to throw. key word. ATTEMPTED. "Listen up, it's as simple as this. you stay still and listen to my every word, or else i'll kill ya. got it, slave?" She shook her head as fast as she could and it became clear. the reason that i was not killing her other than my heat was because, well, i might not be an insane killing machine anymore. i could love her.....

                  Your pov.

He stared at me with hungry, lust filled eyes that looked as if they alone could devour me at any second. He took my gag off and said that the only thing in was allowed to call him or even say was master. i didn't mind too much since my whole life on the surface was filled with everyone calling me slave and them master.  But with him this meaning has....changed.


Nobody's pov

Horror slowly began to lick and suck on the young Y/N's neck, leaving harsh, dark bruises along the way. when he got to her breasts, he completely forgot about her hands and let them go. he looked at the girl as if asking for approval to continue. She gave him a reassuring look. He went on to remove her (shirt/tank/whateve),and then to licking and gently nibbling on each of her nipples, while the other got attention from his hands. she let out a hushed, and quiet moan which he seemt to catch. He deeply chuckled and painfully slowly moved down to her wet, but not soaked (F/C) panties.

Your pov.

 Horr- i mean master finished abusing my breasts and moved lower. i knew where this was going and surprisingly, i didn't mind too much.


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