Pidge's P.O.V
I was with Keith in my room playing video games.
"Ugh I can't believe it is the last day of summer." I said throwing the controller beside my bed.
"*Chuckle* so you are just gonna waste it by saying how bad it is?" Keith said looking up from his phone."
"Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeith." I whined. Then I looked at my phone. It rang. I picked it up and answered it.
"Hello?" I talked into the phone.
"Hey pidge... it's me Lance." He said. Lance is my boyfriend by the way. He asked me to be his girlfriend 7 months ago.
"LANCE! Oh how I missed you....-" I started to say, but he interrupted.
"Look, Pidge,...... I don't know how to explain this..." He said serious.
"Wha- W-what?" I asked nervously."This can't work out... I'm sorry... I just can't be your boyfriend any more... can we just be friends inste-" He said. But I hung up the phone already. Tears started to come out of my eyes.
Keith noticed and quickly came up to me. 'Hey Pidge! whats wrong???" keith said walking me to the bed. I was bawling.
" *Sniff* My *Sniffle* Boyfriend DUMPED MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" I said crying into his shirt. I could feel his hand rubbing my back.
"lANCE?" Keith asked in shock.
"Y-Y-Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried even louder. I heard someone slam the door open.
"PIDGE?" My brother asked running to me.
"Keith, what happened..." Matt said stroking my hair.
"Well....... Lance dumped her." Keith said really not seriously.
"Oh my gosh Pidge.... I warned you.... You are to young to be broken hearted.... How did he break up with you? Phone call? Yelling?-" "He told me that he can't be my boyfriend anymore and if we can just be NORMAL friends." I said straight. There was a hint of broke in the sentence.
"Pidge..." Keith started to say.
"I need a walk." I said pushing Keith away and slamming the door behind me.
I heard Keith say one thing though.
"If I ever see that guy, he's doomed."
Peace OUT
-9th Pegasus