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It was like an hour later and i just got out of my boring biology

" Hey Nick" I said on my way to lunch with him

" Hey how was clas s" He asked eager to know

" Boring worse than hell, maybe" I said running to get a good seat

" HAHA I had Art' he said showing me a drawing of both of our names in a heart

" Awww i love it , its so sweet im in P.A so i will write a song for us....maybe" i said hugging him tight

All of a sudden i hear some one say" GET A ROOM " like wat the hell all we are doing is hugging is that such a big deal . when I looked up of course it was the jittery jock Blake. Hell was beggining

" What are we doing that so wrong Blake" i said looking inoccent but with a little sassiness (Like Louis Tomlinson)

" Shut up Everhart I was freakin talking to you " Blake snapped

" Umm it sure looked like you were cause you gave me direct eye contact but ok so move along" I snapped back

" Why dont you shut up Miranda and tell you and your boyfriend to move ur asses and get out of our seats " He yelled

" Oh now we call seats, are we back in kindergarten" Well i pick this one " I said back

Blake came closer and punched me right across the face.

" Aww,Oww' I yelled holding my cheek

Nick grew with anger. His face ws turning bright red, He got up moved his food aside and and punched Blake right back .

"Shits going down " I whispered to myself still holding my cheek

Blake helded his cheek and his nose was bleeding

" Oh My God Nick back away know before this gets bad' I yelled

" Mir stop i got this " he yelled back not even looking at me

" Nick look at me now!!" I commanded

" What?" he asked

" Stop it now " I said back

He didnt replied and as he turned around he got punched right in the face once again and this time he busted his lip . It was gushing with blood

" Enough you two!" i yelled trying to shield the pain

" Typical Miranda ' Blake said under his breathe

" You don't even know me Blake so hop off " I yelled

Before Blake could reply Principle Blaine bud in and took all three of us to his office

We stood there silent then we all blurted out yelling

'" We didnt do anything we swear" we sll screamed i unison

" No excuses all three of you get detention today be at room 411 at 3 o'clock sharp

" Shit" Nick said under his breathe

" What's wrong" I whispered back

" i got baseball practice at 3" he said licking his lips to wash the blood off

We walked to the nurse, i got and ice pack and Nick got this type of cream thing. after that we locked arms and walked to the next class


" Its time for detention" I said to Nick walking up two flights of stairs

We walked in and there was Blake sitting there with his legs on the table and texting. Nick and I took a seat together

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