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DJ" Mir, wake up , it's time for school!", Ali yelled shoving me off the bed.

" Ok, ok! I'm up!! Calm yourself!", I said moving my frizzy hair out of my face.

I got up and opened my huge closet. I picked out my black TOMS, my purple 'YOLO' shirt and my white jean shorts. I got my BIg heart hoop earrings and my England flag necklace. I applied a light amount of makeup and I ran out of my room, grabbed a granola bar and my coffee and rushed out the door.

" Oww! ", I said.

My eyes widened and gazed at a face. It's a face that I've known from the airport. It was Nick. This isn't possible! The next thing you know, we'll be going to the same school!

" I guess we are neighbors..", Nick said smirking.

"I guess so ",I said back.

"That's the only good thing ...being your neighbor ...I have to go to school", Nick said rolling his eyes.

" Me too, that sucks, doesn't it ", I said back.

We talked on the way to school. It was amazing. Not me or him are about the time.

'"OH DAMMIT!! Look at the time! ", I said interrupting him.

" OH SHOOT!! We better run!", he said grabbing my hand and taking off.

His adrenaline was pumping , because my hair was a mess.

" Yes! We made it! ", I said fixing up my messed hair.

" Oh yeah, sorry about that, it's just that... I don't wanna be late. ", Nick said blushing.

" It's ok no problem. ", I said getting out my emergency brush.

" HAHA, really an emeregnecy brush.", He said laughing.

"Yeah, you never know, someone might purposely frizz your hair up or ..or like pull on your hair.", I said confidently.

" HAHA ,very funny you make me laugh Everhart.", He said giggling.

"Well, that's my job Payne", I said nudging him on the side.

We were enjoying ourselves as we reached the school gate.

Nick opened it and politely said," Ladies, First."

I nodded giving him a thanks. We both went into the office to get our schedules and maps of the school.

We spoke to the receptionist which completely looked like a student. She had hazel eyes, wavy light brown hair, and was very beautiful.

"Hi! I'm Caitlyn, are you guys new?", she said politely.

We both nodded.

"Can I get your names?"

Nick said, " Miranda Everhart and Nick Payne."

"Oh, here you are.", she said looking into a Mac. "Your schedules and maps are printing now."

She handed us our papers and a pass.

"The pass is for your lateness, since you guys are new students, your lateness won't count till, December. Just show the pass to your teacher."

"Thanks, Caitlyn! Nice meeting ya!", Nick said happily.

Nick dragged me out of the office. I asked him," Can I get minute?".

He nodded.

I walked over to Caitlyn and asked her curiously, " Aren't you too young to do this stuff and shouldn't you be in class?".

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