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Tom was leaning against the giant girl's hand, boredly watching the piece of meat -that he took care of roasting at the best of his ability- in his hands. That food was disgusting, it seemed like a mix of dead animals, people and plants he had rarely seen. But his mind wasn't focused on the food, nor on the other large hand that took large portions of the pile in a corner to stuff it in the equally large mouth -which he didn't want to think of.

His mind was focused on what he had done yesterday- or maybe earlier today, time was fuzzy for him. He just spoke to a giant, a gigantic, man-eating beast. He was giddy with exitement, his heart throbbed in his chest at the crazy thought. He felt so powerful, so strong, it was an entirely new thing to him. And it felt like a drug, he wanted so badly to try that again, just once, just to fulfil his thirst for adventure and danger he missed so much.

Shoving the horrid food down his throat, he hurriedly made his way over to the giant's left side and climbed up to her shoulder, ignoring the slight menacing huff he got and the bit of stifness in her body. That was fine, it was better than last time.

When he reached the large shoulder and made his way to the now un-stuffed ear, the loud breathing and nervousness started, but he was too caught up in his excitation to care about something that would soon wear off on its own.

He lifted up the bandana and looked down, now unsure of what to say. Maybe start with the greetings?

"Hello," He spoke softly, earning a quiet gasp. It was thrilling, he was talking to a giant and having it react to what he does and say; Even if she wasn't speaking back. Which got him to think, could she really speak properly?

He wasn't exactly sure, his memories of giants were about five or four years old, from when the giants and humans that decimated the former war was the number one subject. If his memory was severing him right, they did have their own language, but some rare giants like buisnessmen and aristocrates or simple citizens knew English fluently out of necessity, to be able to speak with humans. He had heard her gibberish that soundes like a foreign language, even some that sounded like english, but could she really remember two languages jut fine after being isolated for years?

Tom was pretty sure the giant next to him wouldn't remember or know much more than the english basics at mos, but that was fine, he could deal with this, maybe she could even understand him just fine.

"I'm Tom, my name is Tom," He spoke slowly and spoke each word individualy. But all he earned was a confused 'Uhm'. He sighed and repeated himself a couple time, each time more simple and slow, until he heard a sound. It was barely above a whisper, hoarse and with a strong accent typical of giants, but even then he was sure he heard something that sounded like a "You..."

Feeling a wave a joy and excitement, Tom repeated his name a few more times, each time earning some sounds close to actual words. Until finally, he heard something quiet and strangely pronounced, but still close to "You... are Tom..."

Everyone in his life has once or will eventually experience hearing a- maybe even their baby say their first words, usually their parents's title like 'papa' or 'mama'. Tom felt exactly that way when the giant spoke his name. It was shy and not really well spoken, and Tom was most likely only a couple years older than the giant at his eighteens; but it was the first time in his life that he experienced the joy and pride of feeling like a parent, or an older brother.

"Yes!" He exclaimed quietly, "Yes! I'm Tom!" How could he not be proud, he felt like he was teaching a newborn how to speak, and their first word was actually his name. "Nice to meet you!" It was hard to keep on talking quietly and slowly with he felt so happy, more than he had felt in years.

The boy measured his next words, before going on "You are...?"

He was curious. He didn't know exactly what he was excpecting. She may not remember her name, or she may not have one in the first place, or it was too long for him to understand, especially with her accent.

He didn't get an answer right away, only a few confused 'Eh?'. So he repeated himself again a couple other times, until he realised she was trying out all sounds to remember how her name started.

"D... Ah... K... Uh..." and the longer she did it, the more the letter 'Zee' came up. "Z... Za- Zeph... Zee..." She kept on testing, but no matter how long and how much she tried, nothing more than 'Zee' came out.

Tom started to worry when the giant girl's chest started rising and falling rapidly, indicating she was starting to panic. She kept repeating the letter, each time stuttering more, each time worrying further-

"Zee?" Tom hurriedly said it, trying whatever he could to keep his giant from having a panic attack, or something like that. "That's a very nice name. Nice to meet you, Zee."

And much to the boy's surprise, the giant started calming down, but still prounounced the letter 'Zee'. But this time, it was almost like she was testing the sound of it, seeing if she liked it.

"... Zee... Zee.." So that was her, that was her name and identity? Zee, it sounded nice, it was a name, a right that had been torn away from her a long time ago, the right to be. But now, she had a name, she wasn't just a monster or a beast anymore, she was Zee.

"I... Ah... Zee... Ni'e t meet'chu" Tom smiled widely, she was introducing herself. And it seemed she was liking the name. It felt extraordinary, now the giant wasn't just 'the giant' anymore, she had a brand new name, she was Zee.

Tom gasped quietly when he found a smile slowly creeping on the g-Zee, Zee's face. That was the first time she'd ever smiled, and he did it. He made Zee, his giant, happy.

Tom's smile died down. She was someone, a person, an equal, a savior... Even a friend. His Zee was just like anyone else, but she didn't even get the right to that, to just be someone; let alone having the rights all humans had.

The criminal sat down Zee's shoulder, absentmindedly reaching out to rub her neck. That was unfair, no one ever deserved to live like this, and certainly not someone who was willing to get hurt for others. He couldn't believe she was a war criminal, or a cold murdered. And even she once was, he was sure she had redeemed herself long ago.

He couldn't stand that, he couldn't stand being so close to someone- his friend even, who wa being treated like the disgrace of the earth. He wasn't having that.

Standing up and feeling determination burning in him, Tom looked at Zee's face, smiling absantmindedly, something so simple that she didn't even get until now.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here, I promise you that, Zee."

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