There is a world inside your head...
Better; a full universe!
It's like a book, a lexicon in which you can search for everything.
It is filled with ideas. Filled with people, characters, scenes, texts, melodies, landscapes... maybe even langueges, whole worlds.
And even if you sometimes feel like it's empty in there, or like something is blocking you out of it...
Those are thin walls, just another thought. Just think. Fall back into your own world. Let everything flow before your eyes. Think of something you like, something you'd like in this particular moment. There it is.Creativity means creating.
Creating Worlds, Universes, Creatures, Pictures...Don't loose it.
It's the one thing nobody can take from you.
Gedichte und anderer Kram
PoesieIch schreibe mir eine Welt, Wie sie mir gefällt! Und lasse sie euch lesen Das ist mal wieder eine meiner komischen Ideen gewesen. Wie ihr sehen könnt, Wenn ihr euch das lesen gönnt, So wird es schön! Zumindest hoffe ich das, Denn wenn ich mich au...