Chapter Two

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Arthit's Pov

The next day at school I went to the office and asked to review the new student's file in which I was allowed. When I got into the tiny room rows I was meant with silver cabinets I ignore them knowing exactly where to go. In the corner of the room was a cabinet labeled new students I sort through them trying to keep them somewhat organize for the next person to look through them but I started to get frustrated when I couldn't find his file(on the front of the file is a picture and name)

I let out an angry sigh before asking the secretary about it but all she said is all the files were there so I tried describing him to her.

"Oh I know who you mean"

"Really? who is he?"

"Arhit if you want to know more about him ask him"


"This is the first time I've seen you interested in another student"

"But he is a boy"

"So? Love is Love no matter the gender"


I stay silent for a second.

"Think about it Arthit. Now head to class before your late."
"Alright P"

 I went to class but by the time it was over I couldn't remember a single thing about the lecture. I had other things on my mind at the moment ill just ask Knott for his lecture notes or just ask him to review the lesson with me so I wasn't that worried. When I got out of class I saw him again he was heading in the opposite direction of me. I caught up with him and did the unexpected I grabbed his elbow and took/dragged him outside.

Kongpob's Pov

What the hell?

I mumble as someone pulls me from behind I couldn't get a good look at him until we got outside. I had to admit he was handsome but at the same time, he really wasn't my type I look him up and down for a second before noticing the red polo he was wearing. Didn't the packet say something about them being head hazers, great first day and im already getting bullied.

I look away from him before bringing my hands up into a wai position,I could feel him looking at me but I refused to look back.


He stuttered trying to form a sentence.

"Y-Your new Right?"

I nod in reply and it seems to change his mood.

"You have a voice use it!"

He raises his tone and oddly I am not scared of him, I turn and glance at him and watch as he freezes in place. I walk closer to him as he backs away until his back is against the wall he closes his eyes as if he expected me to punch/kiss him.

 I walk closer to him as he backs away until his back is against the wall he closes his eyes as if he expected me to punch/kiss him

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I place one hand beside his head and lean in a little before.

"Im going to make this clear...I will not be controlled by you senior or not"

He stays in place as I continue.

"I will respect you as long as you respect me, got it?"

He nods slowly as I back away from him putting some distance between us, my watch beeps interrupting the tense silence letting me know I have to get to class. I wai him one more time before walking off to my class.

Arthit pov

My heart pounds against my chest and I suddenly find it hard to breathe as I replay what happened inside my head. His chocolate brown eyes staring into mine and his controlling/sweet/deep voice that made me weak to my knees.

I watched as he walked away from me feeling as if I have lost half of myself when he left, I sigh dreamily and kick the ground damn I still didn't get his name. I check my phone and smile slightly when I didn't have any class right now.

I needed a min to calm down my heart rate and clear my head but one thing for sure if I needed to be his friend but this might be harder then it seems. From our small conversation im guessing, he is a closed off person but im going to start small maybe I can come up with a few ways where we "accidentally" bump into each other.

So, In the end, I need to find out:

His name

His personailty 


How we can be friends

Ways we can accidentally meet

and if feelings are involved

Do I still like narmtan...

Falling In Love With Mr. Nobody (Arthit x Kongpob)Where stories live. Discover now