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Pete was feeling a certain sense of déjà vu. This situation, he thought, was rather familiar. He couldn't help but remember the events of the field locker room as Ae dragged him up the dormitory stairs. Most of all, he was confused; confused as to why Ae was acting so strangely, and why it was necessary to bring him all the way here just to talk.

Ae was fuming. He had been jealous before, but his head was swimming with the names of other guys – names that weren't his. He laid his hands on Pete's shoulder, who leaned back against the wooden bannister.

"When will you stop talking about other guys?" Ae demanded, his voice loud and harsh. Pete was slightly phased, not expecting the sudden outburst and hesitated in his response.

"Ae, but I..." He trailed off, and Ae's hand suddenly gripped the back of his neck and brought him into a deep kiss. He thought he would have been embarrassed, knowing anyone could see them, but instead, a fuzzy feeling spread over him as Ae took control.

Ae drew back, gazing deep into Pete's eyes.

"I don't want to hear any excuses." Ae started, and Pete simply looked at him, his lips parted. "When being with me, stop thinking about everybody else."

Pete looked as though he were in a daze. He didn't respond, he didn't run away, his bright eyes following Ae's, as though enticing him. Or at least, Ae thought he was being enticing.

"Understand?" He added, wanting to make sure that his boyfriend only thought of him, and him alone.

Pete nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips as he looked up at Ae through his eyelashes.

It was exam season, and both students had been working hard, placing their attention on their revision. Naturally, Ae, the hotblooded footballer, was feeling particularly pent-up and Pete's actions had given him the perfect opportunity to unleash himself; to quench the fire that raged within...

"Where are we going now?" Pete exclaimed, bewildered as he was pulled up more stairs.

"To punish you." Was the blunt, and heavy response.

And 'punishment' was what the Pete would get.

Ae scrambled to unlock the dorm door, and swung it open with great force to reveal the messy room. He pulled Pete inside, his hand on his back to guide him as the other slammed the wooden door shut, sending an echo down the corridor. Ae locked lips with Pete, who made a surprised gasp at his boyfriend's eagerness. The sorter boy began to stumble backwards toward the end of the bed, and once he felt his leg touch it, he grabbed Pete's arms and pushed him onto the mattress. He pinned himself on top of the taller boy, his crotch pressing directly against the other's.

Pete's heart rate had had sped up massively just from being kissed on the stairwell, but it seemed to skyrocket further as he collided with the bed and saw the animalistic look in Ae's eyes. The word 'punishment' had registered with him, but didn't properly consider its implications. He was too distracted by how close his boyfriend's lips were to his, and the weight pressing down on his crotch. Ae's scent filled his nose; manly and overpowering, like a drug.

"Ae, I didn't mean to talk about Tin-" He blurted out, but the foolish mentioning of Tin's name caused Ae to silence him with his mouth, swallowing his words. That name was competition to him, and Ae doesn't like losing.

He loosened Pete's tie swiftly, not removing his mouth from his boyfriend's lips as he started to rip open his shirt. Pete's hands fumbled around the bottom of Ae's, initially in an attempt to push him away, but something inside him was almost welcoming the shorter boy's eagerness.

"I'll stop talking about him," he began, but jumped a little as Ae's kiss moved to the sensitive skin of his neck. "W-What are you doing?" He asked, feeling his shirt slip out from his trousers where it had been neatly tucked.

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