The Large Wood Box

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The skirt of my dress ripped on the way down. I landed wrong, and the heel of my boot caught on it. As I had given up hope of ever getting all the dust off, three more thumps came behind me which I could only assume were the others.
I was standing in a giant wood box. There was a candle in a metal box sitting on the floor. Dirt sprinkled the floor, along with assorted bugs and mice. There were burlap sacks in the corner and wooden crates. It was quite dark and dismal.
"Isn't that a safety fracture?" Ed questioned, pointing at the candle. Why is he being such a butt? I thought to myself. He isn't normally like this.
"A what?" Griffith proceeded into the box, and sat on a rug by the candle. He had a set-up of a blanket and a pillow. "Sorry, I was planning on never coming back here. Much less having guests."
"Its us who should be sorry." Micah muttered looking around the place.
"Yeh. I was the one who knocked you out of the portal thing." I grimaced as I slid onto the floor. My legs were so sore, it wasnt funny.
"Why were you going through the portal anyway?"  Ed grabbed an apple that was sitting on top of a crate, and began to bite into it.
"Edmund!"  I yelped, and knocked the apple out of his hands, appalled at his attitude.
"Oy!" He glared at me. "What was that for?"
"Manners!" I could not beleive him!  However, Griffith didnt seem to have a problem with it, because he just stared at us with a dazed and confused look on his face.
"I went through the portal to escape this place.  Speaking of which, we need to find a way to get you guys out of here."  Griffith, I was beginning to find, was very upfront with most things. He didnt seem to have much to hide. "You guys should get to bed.  Nothing good ever happens here at night."
He tossed his blanket and pillow at Ed, who in turn handed them to me.
"I'm good." I looked at him suspiciously. "Give them to Micah."
"I'm good. This is too cute."  She gestured to me and Ed. "Just give it to Mali."
"You know what-" I chucked tbe blanket at Micah and laid the pillow near my head. "There, happy?"
She shrugged. "A little."
Griffith stood up and silently climbed out of the box as we settled in for the night.
"If I'm not back by dawn, something's happened. Don't come looking for me." Griffith called down to us.
"What!?" I yelped, suddenly on edge. Nothing around those lines would ever make me feel good, safe or secure.
"Hush."  Ed was already partly asleep. "He'll be fi-I-Iiiiine." The yawn interupted his words.
"Good night, lovebirds." Micah said, and immediatley she was asleep. Typical. She was always the one to fall asleep first at sleepovers. This, however, also meant that we had a good target for pranks. Sooo, I guess i should be thanking her.
Ed fell asleep a few minutes after that. I couldnt sleep. I had never been good about sleeping in new places, and the dark taunted me. The candle was flickering and dyeing out, causing weird shapes to dance on the wall.
What a night.

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