Chapter 6

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Owen was more astute and intelligent than some gave him credit for, maybe at some point asking a hundred dollars per date seemed outrageous; but he knew this assignment didn't just consist in randomly take Claire out once a week or at the janitors' convenience. Women needed development and investment. He would have been crazy to think the redhead would keep interest in going out with him for the rest of the soccer season if he only showed up every now and then. This took dedication and time; he had to woo her and show interest every day and in different ways. His price was completely reasonable to his eyes and he was making every penny worth.

It had been three days since their first date and he had made sure to sporadically text her, let her believe she was on his mind. He also made sure she had hot fresh coffee, but strategically had avoided sitting with her for breakfast, even if this one was always waiting for her with Zara every morning by the time she made it to her office.

Claire was at her desk that morning, at this point her curiosity keeping her distracted while she tried sent a couple of e-mails. It was the first morning that she had come to work and no food or coffee had been left for her to have. It was until the screen of her iPhone lit up on her desk when she smiled and nibbled on her thumb.

"Hello pretty lady." The notification read, letting her know the raptor wrangler on her mind was texting her.

She slowly grabbed the cellphone and leaning back against the rest she nibbled on her lower lip, "Hey you." She texted back, blushing lightly.

"Hungry?" He immediately replied.

"Starving..." She let him know.

"Busy?" She pursed her lips unable stop herself from finding his one word texts charming.

Claire opened the calendar tab on her outlook and checked her appointments for the day, "not for the next hour."

"May I come in?"

She giggled loud enough for Owen to hear her on the other side of the door, he missed the little smile that grew on his lips at the sound of it, "Yes, you may..." with that sent, Claire stood up from her desk and walked over to the couch.

Owen slowly opened the door to her office, he was carrying two plastic containers and their coffees. The redhead met him half way to help him bring the food in and settled it on the center table in front of the couch.

They sat next to each other and with her head tilted, she watched him open each container, the bigger one was keeping two thick spongy blueberry pancakes warm. He had chopped fruit in the other one and using one of the forks he poured it over their pancakes. He had been carrying the utensils (wrapped in paper napkins) and three little syrup bottles in the pockets of his front jeans. 

Claire couldn't help smile the whole time, watching him finish the little details on their breakfast. Once he was done, Owen looked up and caught her smiling, he couldn't help himself and offered a side smirk.

"Tell me beautiful," He teased her, "what kind of man makes you smile bright?" He bumped his knee with hers playfully before bringing the food close and resting the container on his lap, Claire blushing hot red and chuckling while she shook her head.

"So what kind of contact do you have in the kitchen?" She tried to change the subject. He never failed to have them make them food.

"These are not from the cafeteria." He shook his head, cutting a piece of pancake to feed her. "These are from La Cuisine de el Grady." He totally failed to make that sound genuine, coming out as some French and Spanish hybrid.

She smirked and bit on her lip before opening her mouth for him to feed her the first bite. She moaned softly, they were incredibly good, "tell me~" the redhead mirrored his question from before, "should I feel special or do you cook for all the girls?" She let her green eyes meet his, the small butterflies she felt flapping uncontrollably.

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