Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains very explicit sexual content. Please read at your own discretion.


"Dating the Operations Manager has its perks!" Owen smiled while brushing his fingers through the leather couch they were sitting on. Both him and Claire were on a ferry on their way to Costa Rica.

He pulled a small handle and their couch leaned backwards, pulling up a place for him to rest his feet. "Pura vida!" He ginned at the waiter who was back with his cold beer and Claire's strawberry mango smoothie.

"Thank you." Claire offered upon taking her drink and sipping on it. She stirred the straw around while her eyes were on Owen. He was enjoying the exclusive lounge they had for themselves, one only high level personnel — like Masrani himself, Claire, and board members — could enjoy, along with some important guests who also had access to it.

Owen opened a lid on the arm rest and from there he turned on the 60-inch tv screen in front of them. He started switching channels, the room had access to free WiFi and DirectTV. It was almost seven in the morning so he left some random movie on.

Claire eyed him and slowly pulled her cellphone out of her purse. She had promised to leave it back home and take the weekend off. She kept looking over while she answered a couple of e-mails.

"You've been bad, Miss Dearing" Owen ran his arm around her shoulders and slowly took the cell phone away from her.

"Hey! Not fair!" She complained. "Besides, you are busy with your stupid movie so..." She pointed out.

Owen chuckled and turned the tv off. "You know, not every man would turn the tv off to pay attention to their woman." He teased, feeling her curling closer on that couch.

"I'm a very lucky girl." She agreed with a nod before kissing his lips gently and moaning softly.

Owen smiled and kissed her forehead, "Every man on that island envies me, you know." Claire snorted and adjusted in his arms. "Are you going to show me that itinerary you are hiding or?"

"I didn't make one..." Claire shrugged before she looked up and took their breakfast from their waiter. Owen pulled the glass tray over and rested their plate there. He cut a piece of pancake with the fork and slowly fed it to his girlfriend.

"Don't make me feel around for it..." He teased.

Claire cleared her throat a little and shifted, "I wouldn't stop you..." She admitted blushing a little. Owen curved an eyebrow and smirked. He pushed the tray away and tightened his grip around her shoulder before kissing her lips gently.

"Let's see... if I were a woman...where would I hide my itinerary?" He pretended to think this through. His fingers slowly hooking onto her top's neckline, allowing his eyes to have a glance at her breasts.

"You wore your bikini under your outfit." He growled, getting distracted for a moment. She had wanted to pack for a day out in town, he'd thought it was not necessary and had suggested she should wear her bikini as underwear and be done with it.

Claire's hand reached out and held his while he still had his fingers pulling lightly at her top. She was quiet and offered a nod, her fingers slowly running up the back of his hand guiding it over her breast.

They had been dating for almost four months and Claire was starting to feel like they could take their relationship further, beyond make out sessions.

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