Chapter 10

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I sensed the wolves around me, their energy like mud on my skin. I focused on keeping the wolf within behind psychic bars.

Taylor sat on her carved throne, watching me as I made my way into the middle of the clearing. Her hands tensed where they rested on the arms.

She wore a white sweater with a pair of tight black pants tucked into dark leather ankle boots. Her shoulder length blond hair was pulled back into a neat French braid and she looked about as happy to see me as I was to see her.

Who'd have thought we'd have something in common.

"Camila," she said, inclining slightly. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trevor, a friend of Dinah's, fidget uncomfortably.

"Where is she, Taylor?" She leaned back, smiling with malice. "If you have truly claimed her, Camila, find her yourself."

"I didn't come here to play games with you." I forced myself to breathe past the agitation of my beast.

"But it seems you are playing games with me, Camila." The look she gave me was anything but friendly.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "And what gave you that idea, Taylor?"

"Stop saying my name like a curse," she said, eyes narrowing in hostility. "If you are not playing a game then set your cards on the table. Come and greet me as your alpha."

I didn't mean to laugh, but I did, and I wasn't sure if I was feeling the wolf's emotions at the idea or my own. Maybe it was a combination of both.

"You're not my alpha, Taylor. I'm sure as hell not going to greet you as such."

She stood and came toward me. The last time Taylor had touched me, I'd nearly lost my temper. I so didn't want her to touch me again. In the heels, she was taller, about as tall as Normani and a couple inches taller than me. As she moved toward me, she used all her height to try to make me feel smaller. Unfortunately, when you're petite like I am, you get used to people trying to do that.

A warning growl built and trickled out from between my half-parted lips.

She hesitated. "You would threaten me?"

"She's not threatening you, alpha." Evan, gamma of the Blackthorne pack moved from the large group and out into the open. His white blond hair fell over his blue and gold eyes. The white shirt he wore was only a shade lighter than his hair.

"I wouldn't be so quick to side with her, my third."

"I'm not siding with anyone," he said, showing no sign of fear while Taylor glared at him. "But you are threatening her with your body language."

One of the female wolves gasped. I wondered where Ally was, but didn't try to find her. I was too busy watching the alpha female in front of me.

Taylor shook with rage, her fingers curling into fists. Heat emitted off her. The anger of her beast brushed my skin, calling to mine in an unspoken challenge.

I took another deep breath, this time through my mouth.

"Then you come to me."


"I am the alpha of the Blackthrone pack. If you will not greet me as your alpha, you will greet me as one wolf greets another, Camila. If you don't..." She shook her head. She didn't need to finish her sentence to make the implied threat clear.

"You'll what?" I asked, tilting my head. "Sic your wolves on me?"

"You are a stray," she said nastily. "I am within my rights to punish a stray that has wandered into my territory."

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