Chapter 12

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I made it to the edge of the clearing, and the wolves that had so readily parted for Normani did not part for me. They turned to look at me but made no move to get the hell out of my way.

Something about that pissed me off even more. I hadn't thought my wolf and I could get madder, hadn't thought there was a next bitch level. In fact, I'd been fairly certain I'd hit the max. I was wrong.

My skin burned hot, hotter than I'd ever felt it. The energy of the wolf unfurled from inside me and I felt my eyes bleed gold again. Her snowy fur brushed my insides, making my head feel thick and heavy. I moved and the ground felt faint and unreal beneath my feet.

I reached out to touch the wolf closest to me, a girl that looked much younger than the others. I touched her arm and she flinched a second before that hot wave of energy rolled from me and slammed into her. She fell to her knees, gasping.

As soon as she hit her knees, she averted her eyes.

It would be so easy to claim her, to take her from Taylor Swift. The wolf howled through me; she wanted to do it.

Girl. I reminded myself. She was only a girl, probably no more than eighteen or nineteen years of age.

"Go ahead and take her, Camila. I've no need of weaklings."

Taylor's voice carried to my ears and I turned, growling as the wolf's anger flared again. The wolves parted, giving me a clear line of sight to Taylor.

Lauren and Vanessa stood by her throne, almost like they were guarding it, but I knew better.

I moved to stand, and fingers clutched my arm, nails digging frantically into my skin.

There was a look in her brown eyes that was pleading. I touched her brow, feeling the heat like something warm and sticky between us, feeling the energy of our wolves leap like a dancing flame.

Not now,

I thought, getting to my feet, I turned away from the girl, heading for Taylor. I took my time about it, letting her see my anger. Sheila held my gaze unflinchingly as a satisfied smirk twisted her mouth. Her expression was cold and baiting.

I wanted to knock that look off her face and didn't try to hide it. The anger fueled the beast, giving her a longer leash to play with. I felt my canines lengthening.

When I got to Taylor, no one tried to stop me or to stand in my way. I paused in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch her. I drew my arm back and she didn't move to protect herself. For a moment, I think she didn't believe I'd actually do it.

I hit her, raking my nails across her face, tearing skin and sending blood flying.

"If you touch one of my wolves ever again I will destroy everything you are." I leaned in close, whispering.

Her eyes blazed with anger and I felt the heat of her beast threatening to swallow her. She licked the blood from her bottom lip.

"Will you, Camila? Are you that confident? How is Dinah, by the way?"

I growled, grabbing her by the shoulders and yanking her out of her throne and to the ground.

Her wolves stepped forward and she raised a hand, stopping them.

"If you wanted to fight," she said, "all you had to do was say so."

She grabbed a handful of her shirt, tearing it down the middle.

A deafening shot shattered the silence.

Taylor's body jerked and she howled. The bullet knocked a spray of blood from her right shoulder. The wolves behind her scrambled and scattered, tripping over one another and their own feet.

Taylor made to move, but stopped, going completely still. Past the ringing in my ears, I heard Lauren tsk softly.

"You do not want to challenge me, Taylor. I am much less merciful than Camila."

Lauren moved up beside me and I knew from the strong ringing in my left ear that she hadn't been the one to fire the shot. Vanessa moved where I could see her, gun still aimed on Taylor.

Out of my peripheral vision, I saw her wink over the gun at me.

"This ends now," Lauren said, calm and graceful as she walked to Taylor. "I am not only tired of your games, Taylor, but I am atrociously bored with them as well. Camila has not acted outside of Lykos' law. She has exacted blood payment and you know the repercussions if you lay hand on one of her wolves again. Do not seek to challenge her this night." She knelt and reached out to touch Taylor's hair.

Taylor jerked away from her.

"There is no way for you to win this, Taylor."

"Why not let your little wolf try me? Are you so scared you'll lose her, Lauren? Are you so scared I'll break your precious toy alpha?"

Lauren moved so quickly, all I saw was a blur of moonlit skin and her long onyx hair. She yanked Taylor's head back by her braid. "You know the rules, Taylor."

"I know the rules, Lauren. Let Camila speak for herself." Lauren let her go and stepped away from her. Taylor turned to look at me and moved toward me.

The wolves behind her took up a chorus of growls. The wolf within me paced, anxious and angry.

Taylor stopped moving, kneeling in her pants and torn shirt, the line of bra dark against her body.

"Challenge me, Camila."

"No!" It was Dinah's voice. She entered the clearing with Normani, Evan and Ally still in wolf form behind her. "That's what she wants, Camila. She's trying to set you up to tear you down. Can't you see it? Don't challenge her, please. She can't hurt you, not by our laws, unless you challenge her."

I looked down at the alpha in front of me. I'd extracted blood payment, but if I touched her again, if I outright challenged her, it'd be a fight in earnest.

She spread her arms out, smiling. "All you have to do is challenge me, Camila, and we'll be on even ground. Your Countess has stepped aside and will not interfere. My wolves will not interfere. One on one," she whispered, and the coaxing tone in her voice made me laugh.

"Is that what you really want?" I asked.

"Oh yes."

I felt the dark smile that crept over my lips. "In that case, not only no, but hell no. This is done." I cast a glance to her bleeding shoulder. "Someone needs to look at your shoulder, Taylor. I only carry silver."

"It's not done, Camila, and you know it."

"Great, Taylor, but it's done for tonight. Remember my promise."

"Remember mine," she said.

"I'm really starting to regret not telling the cops about you."

"Why didn't you?"

"To protect you. And maybe to some extent it was about respect, having enough respect not to fuck with another Lykos's life, but if you start fucking with mine, Taylor, you'll pay for it. Trust me on that one."

"I'll keep that in mind," she said, but not like she cared.

"Good." I stood, ready to get the fuck away from her before I gave her exactly what she wanted-a fight. My hands were trembling with rage and the urge to strike her. "We're done here."

One of Taylor's wolves slipped from the group began probing at the hole in her shoulder. She watched me while he drew her shirt away and inspected the still bleeding wound.

Lauren came to me, touching my wrist with her fingers. Dinah breathed out a sigh of relief. I recoiled from Lauren's touch, because in that moment, I didn't exactly feel like being touched by anyone or anything.

Vanessa came forward, holding out my clothes. I slipped the slacks on under Normani's coat, not bothering with the rest.

I just wanted to get the fuck away from Taylor and her wolves before I did something stupid.

Or really, really wise.

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