Chapter 9

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After Mr. Stark left, Peter and May finished their meals in silence, he couldn't help but glance over at the unfinished steak Mr. Stark left. Was it weird he wanted grab the leftovers before the waiter came back?

Maybe not so much, it'd been forever since the last time Peter had a decent steak, May never liked giving him the luxury as she so kindly put it. He didn't even have the luxury to let out his sigh of frustration, May wouldn't like the unnecessary noise and she defiantly wouldn't like Peter reaching for the abandoned plate across from them.

Either way it was too late to debate whether or not the consequences were worth it, the waiter returned with the drinks and noticed Mr. Stark had left. He took the plate and the water he had just brought, then disappeared around the corner.

It was always easy to forget how hungry he was until he was sitting in front of food he can't have. 'Stupid enhanced metabolism.'

May took her time to finish her meal, Peter had finished his shortly after Mr. Stark left. He occupied himself with his phone as he waited.

Eventually May stood up, Peter followed and they both left the restaurant.

It felt a little weird leaving without paying but assuming Mr. Stark had already paid the bill there was no need.

The taxi home was silent and May didn't even acknowledge Peter when they stepped into the apartment, instead she went straight to the living room to start watching her TV drama.

Peter was relieved, he'd much rather her ignore him.

He took the chance to quietly walk into his room. Once the door was closed he let out the breath he'd been holding all night and allowed himself to relax, or at least as much as his active spidey sense would allow him.

The dinner went better than Peter expected. Mr. Stark didn't mention anything about Peter talking and Aunt May didn't try to convince the billionaire something was wrong with Peter.

Falling into bed, Peter let out another sigh as he snuggled into the blankets. He was too drained to bother changing into pajamas, not that it mattered, he passed out within a minute of his head hitting the pillow. 


The next day was Friday and soon the day lead into evening, which meant he was expected at Liz's party. It was easier than he expected when asking Aunt May for permission to go especially when he mentioned that everyone was going to be there. She was smart with her "parenting," she always considered how Peter's absence or presence to something would affect how people looked at her. She never let Peter go to fun field trips if the likelihood of not everyone going was slim but also avoided keeping him from events where everyone was expected to go so not to draw attention to May's choice.

Because heaven forbid someone get suspicious.

Peter secretly wished someone would, but he's already seen what happens when people did. It was hardly worth the effort anymore, plus ever since May found out threatening Peter wasn't enough anymore she started threatening his friends and unfortunately it worked better then May would have hoped. Peter cared more about his friend's well being then his own.

Before leaving the house Peter hid his suit under his clothes before waking out of his room. He wasn't a fan of using Spider-Man as a party trick but Ned was excited about it. If it helped his friend climb up the school's social latter then maybe it wouldn't be to bad.

May refused to take Peter to the suburban party so Peter had to leave early to make it to Ned's house so his mom could take them.

She was a polite woman and always so nice to Peter but he always felt a little awkward around her for reasons Peter couldn't understand. Perhaps it was because she treated Peter with a kindness he wasn't used to? Either way the car ride to the Party was mostly silent except for Ned and his mom chatting with each other.

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